Title Digitalni marketing u promociji programa izvedbenih umjetnosti
Title (english) Digital Marketing in Promotion of Performing Arts
Author Iris Foriš
Mentor Ivan Burić (mentor)
Committee member Jelena Jurišić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tamara Kunić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Burić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies (Department of Communication Sciences) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Cilj ovog rada jest istražiti navike djelatnika kulturnih ustanova u promociji programa putem
društvenih mreža (Facebooka i Instagrama) te istražiti načine na koje se putem objava na
društvenim mrežama pokušava privući publika u kina i kazališta, što nije do sada temeljno
istraženo u Hrvatskoj. S obzirom na pojavu svjetske pandemije virusa COVID-19 2020.
godine, u radu je postalo važno utvrditi razlike u poslovanju, održavanju programa te
objavama prije i tijekom krize.
Autorica u naslovu rada pod pojmom izvedbenih umjetnosti spaja kazališnu i filmsku
umjetnost, odnosno u analizi obrađuje tri ustanove primarno usmjerene na kazališnu
umjetnost (predstave) te tri ustanove usmjerene na filmsku umjetnost (projekcije filmova).
Istraživanje se sastoji od dvije metode: analize sadržaja i dubinskog intervjua. Analiza
sadržaja obuhvaćala je objave kulturnih ustanova na društvenim mrežama Facebook i
Instagram u razdoblju od tri mjeseca unutar jesenske sezone 2020. godine. Dubinski je
intervju uključivao šestero ispitanika koji rade u odabranim kulturnim ustanovama te je
većina razgovora odrađeno uživo, uz snimanje diktafonom, što se kasnije transkribiralo. Iz
rezultata istraživanja vidljivo je da je digitalni marketing u današnje vrijeme najvažniji oblik
marketinga za sve kulturne ustanove, ali i njihovu publiku. Također, nalazi ukazuju na
činjenicu da je globalna pandemija donijela značajne promjene u načinu na koji se ohrabruje i
poziva publika u kulturne ustanove, s korisnicima se komunicira sve spontanije i brže te na
sve osobniji način. Ipak, glavni zaključci istraživanja jesu da je potrebno puno više
financijske i strukturalne potpore digitalnom marketingu kulturnih ustanova te da se ustanove
koje su sudjelovale u istraživanju, iako u periodu krize, orijentiraju na pozitivne strane
poslovanja kada komuniciraju s korisnicima.
Abstract (english) The aim of this thesis is to explore the habits of the cultural sector professionals when it comes to
promoting their programme via social media (Facebook and Instagram) and to investigate the
ways in which posts on social media can be used to entice the audiences to visit cinemas and
theatres, which has not yet been thoroughly explored in Croatia. With regards to the emergence
of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, defining the differences in sustaining the programme as
well as promoting it before and during the crisis has become of great relevance for this research.
In the title of this paper the thesis the author uses the term performance arts as an
umbrella term for theatre and film, i.e. the conducted analysis includes three institutions primarily
focused on theatre (plays) and three institutions focused on film (film projections).
The research consists of two methods: content analysis and in-depth interviews. The
content analysis consists of the six culture institutions’ presence on two social media platforms
(Facebook and Instagram) in the period from the beginning of September to the end of November
2020 (the autumn season). Another method, the in-depth interview, included six experts
representatives of the institutions and the majority of interviews took place live in a face-to-face
conversation, with audio recording, which later was transcribed. The results have shown that
digital marketing is today’s most important form of advertising for all cultural institutions as well
as their audiences. Furthermore, findings have shown that global pandemic brought considerable
changes in the way audiences are encouraged and invited to come and enjoy in cultural contents;
there is a more spontaneous and faster way in communicating with the general public and
therefore, in a more personalized way. Still, main conclusions of the research suggest that there is
a lot more financial and structural support needed to the digital marketing of cultural institutions
and that institutions that participated in the research, although in the period of crisis, are
orientating on positive sides of business when communicating with the users.
digitalni marketing
društvene mreže
kulturne ustanove
Keywords (english)
digital marketing
social media
cultural institutions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:806393
Study programme Title: Department of Communication Studies Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra komunikologije (magistar/magistra komunikologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-10-12 06:54:24