Title Hispanistička Croatica: tri naraštaja čileanskih pisaca hrvatskoga podrijetla
Author Željka Lovrenčić MBZ: 259904
Mentor Sanja Vulić Vranković (mentor)
Committee member Lelija Sočanac (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 108803
Committee member Ružica Pšihistal (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 205961
Committee member Sanja Vulić Vranković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies Zagreb
Defense date and country 2011-09-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Croatian Studies
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 82 - Literature. Comparative literature
Abstract Cilj ovoga rada jest dati znanstveni doprinos istraživanju hrvatske književnosti na španjolskome jeziku, objasniti i uvesti u uporabu u Hrvatskoj pojam hispanistička Croatica, te raščlambom najvažnijih djela prikazati i dokazati značaj pisaca hrvatskoga podrijetla u Čileu i na ostalome području španjolskoga govornoga izričaja. Također se želi dokazati važnost te književnosti za hrvatsku kulturu putem istraživanja povijesnih činjenica i podataka, te analize djela određenih autora u povijesnom
... More kontekstu od početaka hrvatskoga doseljavanja do današnjih dana. Izabrana su tri reprezentativna autora s posebnim obrazloženjem zašto baš ta trojica autora i njihova književna djela. Ovo je kultumo-povijesno istraživanje i kritička analiza koja, osim književnosti, obuhvaća gospodarsku i političku migraciju. Budući da je ova tema kod nas gotovo nepoznata, prikazuje se i analizira književno stvaralaštvo najvažnijih predstavnika triju naraštaja čileanskih pisaca hrvatskoga podrijetla, koji dolaze iz tri najvažnija središta u kojima žive čileanski Hrvati. To su Nicolás Mihovilovic rodom iz Punta Arenasa, Andrés Morales Milohnic iz Santiaga i Antonio Skármeta iz Antofagaste. Cilj mi je bio prikazati njihovu djelatnost, istražiti njihovo mjesto u društvu, obrazložiti njihovu vezanost uz zemlju podrijetla, pa i nostalgiju. Znanstveni doprinos jest dokazati daje Nicolás Mihovilovic prvi istaknutiji čileanski pisac hrvatskih korijena, Antonio Skármeta najčitaniji čileanski i najuspješniji čileansko-hrvatski pisac, a Andrés Morales Milohnic jedan od najboljih latinskoameričkih pjesnika srednje generacije i najmlađi član Čileanske akademije za jezik. S obzirom na sve do sada izloženo, razvidno je da se u radu rabe metode književnopovijesnoga i književno-kritičkoga istraživanja na općem obzoru povijesti čileanskog društva, s posebnom pozornošću na život i djelatnost Čileanaca hrvatskih korijena. Budući da se o ovoj književnosti u Hrvatskoj (pre)malo zna, cilj ovoga rada jest skrenuti pozornost na njezinu relevantnost i na veliki uspjeh potomaka Hrvata na području španjolskoga govornoga područja, uvesti novi termin koji će se moći primjenjivati u proučavanju književnosti, te na jednom mjestu sintetizirati povijesne i književne aspekte vezane uz naše iseljeništvo na području Latinske Amerike. Less
Abstract (english) This dissertation synthesizes historical and literary aspects relating to the Croatian emigrants. A broader context of the Croatian emigration has been covered herein ranging from the earliest periods to these days and the terms of the economic and political emigration have been explained. A conclusion has been made that the Croats emigrated mainly over the ocean till the twentieth century. It has been quoted that an escape from the Turkish conquerors was the reason of the Croatian
... More migration from the 15th to the 18th century and that a huge migration wave which happened at the end of the nineteenth and at the beginning of the twentieth century was caused by economic but also political motives. It has also been concluded that the twentieth century was a period when the largest number of Croats emigrated and that mainly, except for the period after the Second World War, an economic migration is involved here. In the dissertation I have also referred to more prominent Croatian emigrants in individual countries, whose ancestors or even they by themselves became the inhabitants of these countries. Like many other immigrants to them, Croats live today in multicultural surroundings, to which they have had to adapt. It is moral to be devoted to someone's new homeland, and this they are. However, although they are, first of all, the inhabitants of the countries in which they live (Chileans, Americans, Australians), in their consciousness there resides also another old homeland, from which they trace their origin, then its customs, language. The descendants of the immigrants who came as adventurers, refugees but most frequently looking for a better living are today respected citizens of their new homelands. Their ancestors have accepted a new way of living in them in its entirety, to which some of them have acclimatized themselves more heavily and some of them more easily. The Croats who left Croatia either as an economic or as a political emigration, although being aware of the fact that they have to undergo assimilation as soon as possible and become a part of a multicultural community in the countries in which they arrived, continue to cultivate their old customs, found own clubs, journals, folk dance and sing ensembles wishing in such a way to maintain contacts with their old homeland to which they continue to be tied to a great extent. The cultural activities have helped them to preserve a cultural identity and slow down an assimilation and they have been continued also by the representatives of the generations being in full assimilated into a new surrounding. An important role in preserving the Croatian identity has been played by the church as well and by the universities, at which the professors of Croatian origin founded sub-departments with Croatian studies. Less
hispanistička croatica
hrvatsko iseljeništvo - povijesni
kulturološki i književni aspekti
Hrvati u Čileu
čileanski pisci hrvatskoga podrijetla
tri naraštaja čileanskih pisaca hrvatskoga podrijetla
Nicolás Mihovilovic
Antonio Skármeta
Andrés Morales Milohnic
Keywords (english)
Hispanic Croatica
Croatian emigrants - historical
culturological and literary aspects
the Croats in Chile
the Chilean writers of Croatian origin
three generations of the Chilean writers of Croatian origin
Nicolás Mihovilovic
Antonio Skármeta
Andres Morales Milohnic
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:326096
Study programme Title: Obtaining a doctorate of science outside of doctoral studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Reformatted digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Public note Doktorat izvan doktorskog studija.
Created on 2017-09-21 08:46:26