Abstract | Osnovni cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je validirati mjerni instrument za procjenu tjelesne slike o sebi na uzorku plesača te utvrditi moguće faktore utjecaja na natjecateljsku uspješnost u sportskom plesu. Analiziran je utjecaj trenažnih čimbenika (trenažni staž, intenzitet treninga, natjecateljska uspješnost) i indeksa tjelesne mase; utvrđene su razlike po spolu i dobi u pojavi specifične, topološki određene boli, uzrokovane plesačkim treningom te su analizirane razlike po spolu i dobi u trenažnim čimbenicima, tipu motivacije i pojavnosti boli kod plesača. Eksperimentom je obuhvaćeno 173 plesačice i 200 plesača sportskih plesova iz 51 zemlje sa šest kontinenata. Uzorak varijabli uključivao je: procjenu slike o tijelu; procjenu tipa motivacije, procjenu pojave mišićno-koštane boli te procjenu indeksa tjelesne mase. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata, faktorizacijom matrice sa 36 varijabli za procjenu slike o sebi te oblimin rotacijom, a prema Guttman – Kaiserovom kriteriju izolirano je osam faktora koji su objasnili ukupno 87,67 % zajedničke varijance i to: prvi (atraktivnost), drugi (radost), treći (tjelesna efikasnost), četvrti (fleksibilnost), peti (energičnost), šesti (snaga), sedmi (loše zdravlje/ nervoza) i osmi (muževnost/ženstvenost). Dobivene su razmjerno visoke interne konzistencije latentnih dimenzija te zadovoljavajuće metrijske karakteristike osjetljivosti i homogenosti. Upotrebom T-testa definirane su razlike po spolu u poimanju slike o sebi za dimenzije atraktivnost, fleksibilnost i muževnost/ženstvenost. Na uzorku plesačica, utvrđene su značajne razlike u dobi kod ljestvica atraktivnost, radost i fleksibilnost a na uzorku plesača kod ljestvica atraktivnost, radost i energija. Temeljem rezultata diskriminativnih analiza zasebno po spolu, utvrđeni su međusobni odnosi dimenzija testa za procjenu slike o sebi različitih sub-uzoraka ispitanika prema natjecateljskoj uspješnosti, dobi, intenzitetu treninga, trenažnom stažu i indeksu tjelesne mase. Prema rezultatima χ2 testa pronađene su značajne razlike po spolu u pojavi specifične, topološki određene boli. Plesačice značajno više prijavljuju pojavu boli u području vrata, gornjih i donjih leđa, prednjeg dijela bedara, skočnih zglobova/stopala i nožnih prstiju. Između plesača i plesačica utvrđene su značajne razlike po spolu u ekstrinzičnoj orijentaciji u korist žena (prema rezultatima One – way MANOVA te post – hoc Tukey testu). Regresijske analize ukazuju na visoku razinu povezanosti intrinzične i ekstrinzične orijentacije sa ostvarenim natjecateljskim rangom samo kod plesačica što potvrđuje pretpostavku da je kod plesačica kompeticija i konkurencija znatno izraženija nego kod njihovih muških kolega. Konstruiranje takvog mjernog instrumenta, omogućava bolje razumijevanje plesnog identiteta koji je povezan sa ekspresivnom izvedbom kao osnovnom natjecateljske uspješnosti u plesu. |
Abstract (english) | The basic aim of this investigation is to validate measuring instrument for estimation of the Multidimensional Body Image Questionnaire designed for dancers and to established possible factors of influence on competitive successfulness on sport dancers. The influence of training indicators (years of training, training Hrs/wk, competitive successfulness) and body mass index, were analysed. The differences according the gender and age in appearance of topologically defined pain, caused by dance training were established. The differences according the gender and age in training indicators, type of motivation and appearance of pain among dancers were analysed. The experiment comprised of 173 female sport dancers and 200 male sport dancers from 53 countries and six continents. The sample of variables was consisted of variables for estimation: body image, type of motivation, appearance of muscular-skeletal pain and body mass index. According to results of factor analysis of 36 variables for estimation of Body Image Questionnaire, oblimin rotation and Guttman – Kaiser criterion, eight factors (attractiveness, joy, body efficacy, flexibility, energy, strength, bad health/weakness and masculinity/femininity) were isolated exploring the 87,67 % of commune variance. The satisfactory values of internal consistency, sensitivity and objectivity characteristics of questionnaire were established. The gender differences in attractiveness, flexibility and masculinity/femininity subscales were defined by T-test. On the sample of female dancers, the significant differences were established in attractiveness, joy and flexibility subscales among different age groups. On the sample of male dancers, the significant differences were established in attractiveness, joy and energy subscales among different age groups. According to results obtained by discriminate analysis calculated separately by gender, the interrelations of factors of Multidimensional Body Image Questionnaire were defined among subsamples defined by: competitive successfulness, age, years of training, training Hrs/wk and body mass index. According to χ2 test, gender differences were defined in appearance of specific, topological pain in neck, upper and lower back, thighs/front, ankles/feet and toes regions in advantage of female dancers. The significant gender differences were established in extrinsic and intrinsic goal orientation according to MANOVA and post – hoc Tukey test. The female dancers were more motivated by extrinsic reasons. According to regression analysis, significant correlations were established between intrinsic and extrinsic goal orientation and success on competition only among female dancers. Construction of Multidimensional Body Image Questionnaire designed for dancer’s, provide better understanding of dancers identity connected with expressive performance as the basis of successfulness in sport dance. |