Title Tamne čokolade na hrvatskom tržištu – varijabilnost nutritivnih deklaracija i informiranost potrošača iz redova studenata
Title (english) Dark chocolate on the Croatian market – variability of nutrition declaration and awareness of consumers within student population
Author Anđela Kurbanović
Mentor Olivera Koprivnjak (mentor)
Committee member Valerija Majetić Germek (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Pavičić Žeželj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Olivera Koprivnjak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Food Technology and Quality Control) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Food Technology
Abstract Od zrna kakaa mogu se proizvesti tri osnovna tipa čokolada (tamna, mliječna i bijela) koje se međusobno razlikuju po omjeru osnovnih sastojaka. Radi poboljšanja tehnoloških i nutritivnih svojstava u proizvodnji se koriste i određeni emulgatori, vlakna te prirodne zamjene za šećer. Varijabilnost nutritivnih deklaracija tamnih čokolada na hrvatskom tržištu istražena je na temelju 69 proizvoda zabilježenih u pet trgovačkih centara i putem tri komercijalne mrežne stranice od siječnja do ožujka 2021. Online anketno ispitivanje navika, stavova i znanja studenata o čokoladi i čokoladnim proizvodima provedeno je primjenom Google obrasca u svibnju 2021., a u njemu je sudjelovalo 328 ispitanika iz redova studenata. Utvrđeno je da tamne čokolade na hrvatskom tržištu najčešće sadrže 70 do 75 % kakaovih dijelova, dok se predodžbe studenata o tome kreću oko 30 % do 50 % kakaovih dijelova. Tamne čokolade s višim udjelom kakaovih dijelova u pravilu imaju viši udio masti, veću energetsku vrijednost, povoljnije Nutri-Score vrijednosti, manji udio ugljikohidrata te u pravilu rjeđe sadrže masti različite od kakaovog maslaca i emulgatore. Skupina tamnih čokolada nema statistički značajno različitu energetsku vrijednost u odnosu na ostale tipove čokolada, ali ima statistički značajno manji udio šećera. Česti i povremeni konzumenti uglavnom imaju ispravnu predodžbu o tim dvjema karakteristikama tamnih čokolada. Dodatak emulgatora, od kojih prevladavaju sojin i suncokretov lecitin, zabilježen je u 55 % tamnih čokolada. Većina čestih i povremenih konzumenata prepoznaje funkciju lecitina. Dodatak vlakana zabilježen je kod 6 % tamnih čokolada, većina ispitanih studenata gotovo nikad prilikom kupnje na to ne obraća pažnju te u popisu sastojaka uglavnom ne prepoznaje ono što pripada toj skupini hranjivih tvari. Prirodne zamjene za šećer (maltitol, eritritol, kokosov šećer te glikozidi stevije) zabilježene su u 23 % tamnih čokolada, interes studenata za ovaj podatak prilikom kupnje bio je relativno mali, te im većinom nije bilo poznato da su maltitol i eritritol prirodna sladila. Studenti iz „bio“ i prirodnih struka, neovisno o učestalosti konzumiranja tamnih čokolada, češće razumiju funkciju i pripadnost pojedinog sastojka određenoj skupini hranjivih tvari od studenata ostalih struka. Da su tamne čokolade općenito korisnije za zdravlje od ostalih tipova čokolada smatra većina čestih i povremenih konzumenata, a u to su statistički značajno manje uvjereni vrlo rijetki konzumenti.
Abstract (english) Three basic types of chocolate (dark, milk and white) can be produced from cocoa beans, which differ in the ratio of basic ingredients. In order to improve the technological and nutritional properties, certain emulsifiers, fibers and natural substitutes for sugar are also used in production. The variability of nutrition declarations of dark chocolates on the Croatian market was investigated based on 69 products recorded in five shopping centers and through three commercial websites from January to March 2021. Online survey of students habits, attitudes and knowledge about chocolate and chocolate products was conducted using Google forms in May 2021, in which 328 students participated. It was found that dark chocolates on the Croatian market most frequently contain 70 to 75 % of cocoa parts, while students perceptions of this range is around 30 % to 50 % of cocoa parts. Dark chocolates with a higher proportion of cocoa parts generally have a higher fat content, higher energy value, more favorable Nutri-Score values, lower carbohydrate content and generally contain less fat different from cocoa butter and emulsifiers. The group of dark chocolates does not have a statistically significant different energy value compared to other types of chocolates, but it has a statistically significant lower sugar content. Frequent and occasional consumers generally have an accurate idea of these two characteristics of dark chocolates. The addition of emulsifiers, of which soy and sunflower lecithin predominate, was noted in 55 % of dark chocolates. Most frequent and occasional consumers recognize the function of lecithin. Fiber supplementation was recorded in 6 % of dark chocolates, most of the surveyed students almost never pay attention to it when buying, and in the list of ingredients they generally do not recognize what belongs to this group of nutrients. Natural sugar substitutes (maltitol, erythritol, coconut sugar and stevia glycosides) were recorded in 23 % of dark chocolates, students interest in this information when buying was relatively small, and most of them did not know that maltitol and erythritol are natural sweeteners. Students from the "bio" and natural science professions, regardless of the frequency of consumption of dark chocolates, more often understand the function and affiliation of a particular ingredient to a particular group of nutrients than students of other professions. That dark chocolates are generally more beneficial to health than other types of chocolate is considered by most frequent and occasional consumers, and very rare consumers are statistically significantly less convinced of this.
tamna čokolada
kakaovi dijelovi
energetska vrijednost
masti različite od kakaovog maslaca
prirodna sladila
Keywords (english)
dark chocolate
cocoa parts
energy value
fats other than cocoa butter
natural sweeteners
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:641987
Study programme Title: Study of Sanitary Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sanitarnog inženjerstva (magistar/magistra sanitarnog inženjerstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-08-31 11:00:02