Title Jabučni nektari - karakteristike proizvoda i predodžbe potrošača
Title (english) Apple nectars - product characteristics and consumer perceptions
Author Katarina Zdrilić
Mentor Olivera Koprivnjak (mentor)
Committee member Valerija Majetić Germek (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Pavičić Žeželj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Food Technology and Quality Control) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Food Technology Food Safety and Quality
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care
Abstract Nektari se proizvode od vode, šećera i voćnih sokova u različitim omjerima, a jabučni sok je jedna od najčešćih sirovina za jabučne te za nektare od više vrsta voća. Cilj rada bio je utvrditi udio voćne komponente te učestalost dodatka šećera, umjetnih sladila i vitamina u proizvodima tog tipa nektara na hrvatskom tržištu, na temelju analize popisa sastojaka. Istraživanje je provedeno u pet trgovinskih lanaca i dvije mrežne stranice od prosinca 2021. do veljače 2022., a evidentirano je 57 proizvoda (19 jabučnih nektara i 38 nektara od više vrsta voća koji sadrže i jabuku). U svim jabučnim nektarima udio voća bio je jednak propisanom minimumu (50%), a u ostalim nektarima s jabučnim sokom kretao se od 26-51%. Šećer i/ili fruktozno-glukozni sirupi bili su dodani u 67% proizvoda, a svi ostali sadržavali su barem jedno od šest zabilježenih umjetnih sladila. U nekim od proizvoda korištene su kombinacije šećera i umjetnih sladila, pa je proizvoda s umjetnim sladilima bilo ukupno 63%. Dodatak vitamina zabilježen je kod 28% proizvoda, u svim slučajevima do razine od 15% preporučenih dnevnih unosa na 100 ml. Podudarnost predodžbi hrvatskih potrošača sa stvarnim podacima o udjelu voćnih komponenti, dodatku šećera, sladila i vitamina, istražena je online upitnikom od 4. do 12. svibnja 2022. s 415 ispitanika. Realne predodžbe o udjelu voća u istraživanom tipu nektara imalo je oko 31% ispitanika. Sa stavom da većina ili svi nektari sadrže dodani šećer složilo se 88% ispitanika, realnu predodžbu o koncentraciji šećera u tim proizvodima (najčešće 10 g/200 ml) imalo je 71%, a o razini doprinosa jedne čaše preporučenom unosu šećera (7,5-10%) samo 30% ispitanika. Stav da većina nektara istraživanog tipa sadrži umjetna sladila zauzelo je 67% ispitanika, a tek je 24% ispitanika imalo realnu predodžbu o učestalosti dodatka vitamina.
Abstract (english) Nectars are produced from water, sugar and fruit juices in different proportions, and apple juice is one of the most common raw materials for apple nectars and for nectars from several types of fruit. The aim of the work was to determine the proportion of the fruit component and the frequency of sugar, artificial sweeteners and vitamins addition in products of this type of nectars on the Croatian market, based on the analysis of the list of ingredients. The research was conducted in five retail chains and two websites from December 2021 to February 2022, and 57 products were recorded (19 apple nectars and 38 nectars from several types of fruit containing apple). In all apple nectars, the proportion of fruit was equal to the prescribed minimum (50%), and in other nectars with apple juice it ranged from 26-51%. Sugar and/or fructose-glucose syrups were added to 67% of the products, and all others contained at least one of the six reported artificial sweeteners. Some of the products used combinations of sugar and artificial sweeteners, so the total number of products with artificial sweeteners was 63%. The addition of vitamins was recorded in 28% of the products, in all cases up to the level of 15% of the recommended daily intake per 100 ml. The consistency of Croatian consumers' perceptions with actual data on the proportion of fruit components, added sugar, sweeteners and vitamins was investigated by an online questionnaire from May 4 to 12, 2022 with 415 respondents. Realistic idea of fruit proportion had about 31% of respondents. With the view that most or all nectars contain added sugar agreed 88% of respondents, 71% had a realistic idea of the concentration of sugar (most frequently 10 g/200 ml) in these products, and only 30% of respondents had a realistic idea of the level of contribution (7,5-10%) of one glass to the recommended sugar intake. The opinion that most nectars contain artificial sweeteners was taken by 67% of the respondents, and only 24% of the respondents had a realistic idea about the frequency of vitamins added to nectars
jabučni nektari
udio voća
umjetna sladila
dodatak vitamina
Keywords (english)
apple nectars
fruit content
artificial sweeteners
addition of vitamins
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:050818
Study programme Title: Study of Sanitary Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sanitarnog inženjerstva (magistar/magistra sanitarnog inženjerstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-13 12:56:16