Title Uloga patronažne sestre u prevenciji i liječenju šećerne bolesti
Title (english) Role of public health nurses in prevention, early detection, and treatment of diabetes mellitus
Author Suza Valenčak
Mentor Đurđica Kašuba Lazić (mentor)
Committee member Milica Katić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Venija Cerovečki Nekić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Đurđica Kašuba Lazić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Family Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Family Medicine
Abstract Šećerna bolest postala je tiha epidemija današnjeg društva. Osnovna namjera ovog rada je prikazati razmjere i ulogu tog oboljenja u društvu, načine prevencije i liječenja te ulogu patronažne sestre i široku lepezu njeznog rada u borbi protiv ove bolesti. Patronažne sestre gotovo cijelo stoljeće provode preventivne i edukativne aktivnosti u zajednici. Djelokrug i kompetencije rada mijenjale su se kroz destljeća, ali možda ne dovoljnom brzinom kako bi u potpunosti odgovarale potrebama modernog društva. Danas je njezin rad polivalentan i usmjeren na sve osobe unutar zajednice. Takav način rada pruža joj uvid i dobro poznavanje cjelokupnih potreba pojedinca i obitelji. Njegovanje suradnje s brojnim timovima prvenstveno u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti, horizontalnoj i vertikalnoj strukturi zdravstva omogućava aktivno zauzimanje za pacijenta i promjenu kvalitete života. Cjelokupna obiteljska anamneza s osvrtom na socioekonomsko stanje omogućuje joj lakšu procjenu potreba pojedinca i obitelji te zdravstveno preventivan rad u pogledu primarne, sekundarne i tercijarne prevencije šećerne bolesti.
Problemi s kojima se patronažna sestra susreće unutar zdravstvenog sustava su brojni, a rezultat su nerazvijanja radne structure unutar djelatnosti patronažne službe, neunošenja promjena u djelokruga rada te neuočavanja potrebe za visokim obrazovanjem unutar patronažne službe.
Razvijanje postojećih potencijala, osmišljavanje razgranatije strukture, osmišljavanje novih projekata i programa, koji će bolje odgovarati potrebama modernog društva pri susretu s kroničnim bolestima velik su zadatak za zdravstveni sustav. Težnja uvođenju visoko obrazovanih sestara u rad patronažne službe po ugledu na razvijene zemlje svijeta jedina može podići razinu edukacije, potaknuti istraživački rad u sestrinstvu te doprinijeti razvijanju pokazatelja kvalitete u radu patronažne sestre.
Abstract (english) Diabetes mellitus has become a silent epidemic of today's society. The main purpose of this paper was to present the scale and role of the disease in society, the ways of prevention and treatment. It emphasizes the role of a community nurses and wide range of nursing interventions in the fight against this disease.
Community nurses have been conducting community-based preventive and educational activities for almost a century. The scope and competencies of the work were changed through the fall, but perhaps not at sufficient speed to fully meet the needs of modern society. Today, her work is multi-valued and oriented on all age structures within the community. Such a way of working gives her an insight and a good understanding of the overall needs of the individual and family. Co-operation with a number of teams, primarily in primary health care and in the horizontal and vertical healthcare structure, provides an active occupation for the patient and a direct impact on the quality of life. A comprehensive family history with an overview of the socioeconomic condition makes it easier to assess the needs of the individual and family and prevent healthcare in terms of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of diabetes.
The problems faced by the community nurses within the health system are numerous and result from the lack of work structure, the lack of change in the scope of work, and the lack of need for higher education within the patronage service.
Developing existing potentials, designing a broader structure, designing new projects and programs that will better meet the needs of modern society in meeting chronic diseases are a major task for the health care system. The effort to introduce highly educated nurses to the work of community service in the eyes of developed countries of the world alone can raise the level of education, stimulate research work in nursing and contribute to the development of quality indicators in the work of the community nurse.
šećerna bolest
patronažna sestra
Keywords (english)
community nurses
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:550920
Study programme Title: Studies in Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-03-21 10:36:42