Title Bubrežna bolest i nadomještanje bubrežne funkcije odraslih
Title (english) Kidney disease and renal replacement therapy in the elderly
Author Bosiljka Devčić
Mentor Bojan Jelaković (mentor)
Committee member Petar Kes (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Jureša (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Bojan Jelaković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Internal Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2014-09-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Internal Medicine
Abstract Uvod: Njega bubrežnog bolesnika obuhvaća životni ciklus u koji je uključen bolesnik sa
saznanjem o mogućoj ili već razvijenoj bubrežnoj bolesti. Ovi bolesnici potrebuju
obrazovane profesionalce, vješte i motivirane medicinske sestre. Skrb i praksa za ove
bolesnike zahtijevaju zajedničku bazu znanja koja se brine o potrebama pojedinca, brine se za
pedijatrijsku, odraslu osobu i gerijatrijske bolesnike. S obzirom na različitost pojedinih
potreba nefrološka skrb se razvila u specijalizirana područja zajedno sa potrebnim znanjem i
vještinama. -----
Rasprava: Povećanjem broja bolesnika u svim stadijima bubrežne bolesti zahtijeva od
medicinske sestre kao člana tima poznavanje razvoja i tijeka bolesti, dijagnostike i
nadomjesnog liječenja. Osnovna teorijska znanja o anatomiji, fiziologiji i patofiziologiji
bubrega neophodna su kao temelj za razumijevanje poremećaja i razvoja bubrežnih bolesti.
Poznavanje sestrinskih vještina uključuju različite modalitete liječenja kao što su:
konzervativno liječenje, peritonejska dijaliza, hemodijaliza, transplantacija i kontinuirane
nadomjesne metode. Rano uključivanje bolesnika u edukativne programe i skrb usmjerena na
bolesnika može umanjiti napredovanje bolesti i potrebu za dijalizom, umanjiti pobol i
smrtnost, ispraviti anemiju, pravilnom prehranom prevenirati pothranjenost, započeti
dijalizno liječenje sa očuvanjem ostatne bubrežne funkcije, promovirati programe
samoopskrbe i omogućiti bolesniku izbor metode nadomjesnog liječenja. -----
Zaključak: Nefrološka skrb zahtijeva dodatnu edukaciju izvan onoga što je potrebno da se
postane medicinska sestra. Nefrološke medicinske sestre moraju imati dodatnu edukaciju iz
anatomije, fiziologije, patofiziologije, farmakologije, farmakoterapije, prehrane, rasta i
razvoja i kraja životne skrbi. One također zahtijevaju dodatno iskustvo u skrbi bolesti
bubrega. Stalni napredak u tehnologiji, novi lijekovi, napredak u njezi bolesnika svakodnevni
je izazov uma i otvara putove kontinuiranog učenja.
Abstract (english) Introduction: A renal care patient covers the life cycle involving a patient with knowledge about possible or already developed kidney disease. These patients require educated professionals, skilled and motivated nurses. Care and practice for these patients require a common base of knowledge that takes care of the needs of the individual, care for pediatric,
adult and geriatric patients. Given the diversity of individual needs nephrological care has developed into a specialized field along with the necessary knowledge and skills. -----
Discussion: Increasing the number of patients in all stages of kidney disease requires nurses as team member knowledge of the development and course of the disease, diagnosis and replacement therapy. Basic theoretical knowledge of anatomy, physiology and path physiology of the kidney are necessary as a basis for understanding the disorder and the
development of kidney disease. Knowledge of nursing skills includes various modalities of treatment such as conservative treatment, peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis, transplantation and continuous replacement methods. Early involvement of patients in educational programs
and care focused on the patient can reduce the progression of the disease and the need for dialysis, reduce morbidity and mortality, to correct anemia, proper diet to prevent malnutrition, start dialysis treatment with preservation of residual renal function, promote self-supply programs and enable patient selection methods replacement therapy. -----
Conclusion: Nephrology care requires additional training beyond what is necessary to become a nurse. Nephrology nurses must have additional training in anatomy, physiology, path physiology, pharmacology, pharmacotherapy, nutrition, growth and development and end of life care. They also require additional experience in the care of kidney disease. A constant advance in technology, new drug, advances in health care is a daily challenge the mind and opens avenues for continuous learning.
medicinska sestra
akutno bubrežno zatajenje
kronično bubrežno zatajenje
Keywords (english)
acute renal failure
chronic renal failure
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:058403
Study programme Title: Studies in Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2015-11-05 10:56:43