Title Utjecaj Covid-10 pandemije na incidenciju tuberkuloze
Title (english) Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on tuberculosis incidence
Author Darija Sudić
Mentor Mateja Janković Makek (mentor)
Committee member Andrea Vukić Dugac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Jakopović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mateja Janković Makek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-06-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Tuberkuloza i Covid-19 bolesti su uzrokovane jako različitim uzročnicima, ali pokazuju
dosta sličnosti u manifestaciji bolesti i mjerama za njihovo suzbijanje. Tuberkulozu uzrokuje
bakterija, bolest je kroničnog karaktera i treba dugo vremena za razvoj simptoma. Covid-19
uzrokuje virus, a bolest je kratkotrajna i brzo se razvija. Obje bolesti su respiratorne i šire se
kapljično, a mjere suzbijanja su kod obje bolesti iste. Od izbijanja pandemije Covid-19 uočene
su značajne promjene u funkcioniranju zdravstvenog sustava te zbrinjavanju ostalih bolesti, a
posebice tuberkuloze. Promjene su uzrokovane usmjeravanjem zdravstvenog sustava na
suzbijanje pandemije Covid-a, uvedenim epidemiološki mjerama i ekonomskim poteškoćama.
Bolnice su zatvarane, a prostori i osoblje preusmjeravani u zbrinjavanje Covid-19 pacijenata.
Navedeno se pogotovo odnosi na pulmološke bolnice i odjele koji su zbrinjavali tuberkulozu.
Bolesnici su teže dolazili do zdravstvene skrbi, dijagnostika se nije provodila ili se odgađala,
nadziranje liječenja kao i praćenje bolesnika nije se adekvatno provodilo. Također se smanjilo
provođenje izvida među kontaktima. Dodatni posredni negativan utjecaj pandemije je
pogoršanje ekonomske situacije, siromaštva i lošija prehrana koji imaju direktan utjecaj na
povećanje učestalosti tuberkuloze. Izolacije kod kuće smanjile su širenje tuberkuloze u
populaciji, ali povećavale mogućnost zaraze u kućanstvu. Navedeno upućuje na lošiju
zdravstvenu skrb tuberkuloze u smislu lošije dijagnostike, lošijeg liječenja i lošijeg probira
kontakata oboljelog te stvaranje socijalnih preduvjeta za izraženije širenje tuberkuloze u
društvu. Stoga je tijekom pandemije zabilježen značajan pad u broju prijavljenih oboljelih
bolesnika od tuberkuloze, uz porast broja umrlih. Pandemija Covid-19 pogoršala je
epidemiološke situacije tuberkuloze u svijetu te su potrebni pojačani napori da se tuberkuloza
Abstract (english) Tuberculosis and Covid-19 are caused by very different organisms but have similar
symptoms and necessary preventive measures. Tuberculosis is caused by bacteria, and it is a
chronic infection with delayed symptoms manifestations. Covid-19 is caused by a virus, and
the disease is acute with rapid onset of symptoms. Both diseases are respiratory, acquired by
aerosol inhalation, and preventive measures in both diseases are the same. Covid-19 pandemic
has caused major changes in functioning of the health care system and disease management,
especially tuberculosis. Changes are due to health care system focusing on subduing the Covid19 pandemic, implementation of epidemiologic countermeasures and economic difficulties.
Hospitals were closed and space and personnel allocated to management of Covid-19 patients.
Pulmonology hospitals wards and personnel, who were treating tuberculosis, were especially
involved in these changes. Patients had difficulty acquiring health care services, diagnostic
procedures were postponed or not performed at all, therapy was not supervised and patient
follow-up was lacking. Tuberculosis contact tracing was also negatively affected. Furthermore,
Covid-19 pandemic caused severe economic deterioration, poverty and nutritional deficiency
which all enhance tuberculosis incidence. Home isolations prevented tuberculosis spreading in
the population but facilitated tuberculosis spreading among household contacts. The effect was
poor health care of tuberculosis patients with lacking diagnostic therapy and screening
procedures and deteriorating social issues which promoted tuberculosis spreading in the general
population. Therefore, number of reported tuberculosis patients has fallen and the number of
tuberculosis deaths has risen. Covid-19 pandemic has deteriorated tuberculosis epidemiologic
situation in the World, and further determined efforts are necessary to lower tuberculosis
incidence and mortality.
zdravstvena skrb
Keywords (english)
health care
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:506957
Study programme Title: Studies in Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra sestrinstva (magistar/magistra sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-04-26 10:18:15