Title Kirurško liječenje tumora kože glave i vrata
Title (english) Surgical treatment of skin tumors of the head and neck
Author Nikolina Bacan
Mentor Vladimir Bedeković (mentor)
Committee member Marko Velimir Grgić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirko Ivkić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vladimir Bedeković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine (Department of Othorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Otorhinolaryngology
Abstract Tumori kože su najčešći tumori. Premda regija glave i vrata čini 10% ukupne površine kože tijela, većina kožnih tumora (80 do 90%) nastaje u ovoj regiji. Mogu se svrstati u benigne i maligne tumore [1,2]. Većina kožnih lezija su benigne, a točna dijagnoza je važna kako bi se ocijenio mogući zloćudni potencijal [7]. Najčešći maligni tumori su nemelanomski karcinomi, bazocelularni i planocelularni karcinom, zatim maligni melanomi [1]. Dijagnostika tumora kože temelji se na anamnezi i kliničkom pregledu, a potvrđuje se patohistološkom analizom [2,10]. Točna patohistološka analiza materijala nužna je za određivanje stadija jer o njemu ovise prognoza bolesti i izbor metode liječenja tumora [13]. Kirurško liječenje je najčešće terapijska metoda tumora kože glave i vrata [19]. Glavni cilj je odstranjenje tumora u cijelosti te adekvatna rekonstrukcija novonastalog defekta u estetskom i funkcionalnom smislu [2]. Ukoliko postoje metastaze u sentinel limfnom čvoru indicirana je i disekcija vrata [11]. Kada se planira rekonstrukcija defekt tkiva se nastoji rekonstruirati najjednostavnijom kirurškom tehnikom na tzv. rekonstruktivnoj ljestvici, a ako to nije moguće prelazi se na sljedeću, složeniju metodu. U idealnom slučaju, kožni defekti bi trebali biti rekonstruirani uz održanu boju, debljinu i teksturu kože [16]. Maligni tumori kože svojim rastom mogu uzrokovati velike deformitete kože i okolnog tkiva. Deformiteti u području glave i vrata mogu imati razorne posljedice na izgled i funkciju pacijenta i značajno utjecati na kvalitetu pacijentova života. Rekonstrukcija defekata i dalje je iznimno zahtjevan izazov za kirurge kojima je cilj, nakon uklanjanja tumora i njegovih metastaza u cijelosti, vratiti oblik i funkciju te postići što bolji estetski rezultat [3].
Abstract (english) Skin tumors are the most common types of tumor. Although the head and neck region makes only 10% of the total area of the skin, most of the skin tumors [80 – 90%) occurs in this region. There are two types of skin tumors: benign and malignant [1, 2]. Most skin lesions are benign. The diagnosis of any skin lesion must be accurate to differentiate benign from malignant lesions so we could make the right choice of therapy [7]. The most common malignant skin tumors are: non-melanoma skin cancers, basal cell cancer, squamous cell cancer and malignant melanoma [1]. Main diagnostic procedures are history taking, physical exam and histology analysis of biopsy required specimen [2, 10]. The prognosis and treatment depend on the stage of the cancer which is determined by accurate histology analysis of the specimen [13]. For all head and neck skin tumors the treatment of choice is surgery followed by neck dissection in case of lymph nodes affection. Malignant skin tumor might cause great deformities of the skin and surrounding tissue by their excessive growth. Deformities of the head and neck can have devastating effects on the appearance and function of the patient which significantly changes quality of patient’s life [3]. Consequently, the main goal of the treatment is not only to completely remove the tumor, but also adequate reconstruction of newly created defekt, both esthetically and functionally [2]. Local flaps provide the best aesthetic results and therefore are most commonly used in reconstructive surgery [16]. Reconstruction of defects continues to be a demanding challenge for surgeons while they are dealing not only with skin tumors of head and neck region but also with patient’s demands for better aesthetic and function result [3].
tumori kože
kirurško liječenje
glava i vrat
principi liječenja
Keywords (english)
skin tumors
surgical treatment
head and neck
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:125261
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2016-12-01 10:25:43