Author Iva Lukić
Mentor Mijana Matošević Radić (mentor)
Committee member Ivona Jukić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Krolo - Crvelin (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split (University Department of Professional Studies) (Department of Management, Trade and Tourism) Split
Defense date and country 2024-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Turizam je neizostavan čimbenik u suvremenom društvu, potičući razmjenu kultura, ideja i doživljaja između različitih destinacija. U skladu s tim, razvoj turističkih destinacija kontinuirano se prilagođava kako bi odgovarao sve sofisticiranijim zahtjevima suvremenih putnika. Jedan od ključnih elemenata koji se ističe u tom razvoju jest gastronomija, koja se danas sve više prepoznaje kao temeljni dio turističkog iskustva. Hotelsko tržište sve više je zasićeno ponudom, što potrošačima omogućava da konstantno imaju sve veću ponudu u istom cjenovnom rangu. Potrošače najčešće primarno ne zanima cijena nego vrijednost proizvoda i usluga koju će dobiti. Samim tim hoteli i hotelski lanci su sve više primorani uvoditi nove proizvode i usluge kako bi i korisnici bili zadovoljniji. Upravo je razvoj gastronomske ponude kako u pojedinom hotelu tako i u hotelskim lancima prepoznat kao jedan od načina širenja ponude usluga i dodavanja vrijednosti ukupnom doživljaju turista. U praktičnom primjeru analizirana je gastronomska ponuda kao dio usluge u hotelskom lancu Meliá Hotels International. Primjer prikazuje da je gastronomska ponuda, uz sve ostale proizvode i usluge jedne turističke destinacije, izrazito bitan i neizostavan faktor za razvoj turizma na nekom području. Osim toga, većina gostiju koja posjeti određenu destinaciju će svakako posegnuti za hranom i pićem u nekom trenutku, koja, ako je kvalitetno pripremljena i dobro prezentirana, može uvelike obogatiti nečije iskustvo. Stoga hotelski lanci, kao vitalna karika u lancu turizma, imaju značajan doprinos u oblikovanju i promicanju gastro turizma u destinacijama koje pokrivaju. Therefore, hotel chains, as a vital link in the chain of tourism, have a significant contribution in shaping and promoting gastronomic tourism in the destinations they cover.
Abstract (english) Tourism is an indispensable factor in modern society, encouraging the exchange of cultures, ideas and experiences between different destinations. Accordingly, the development of tourist destinations is continuously adjusted to meet the increasingly sophisticated demands of modern travelers. One of the key elements that stands out in this development is gastronomy, which today is increasingly recognized as a fundamental part of the tourist experience. The hotel market is increasingly saturated with offers, which enables consumers to constantly have an ever-increasing offer in the same price range. Consumers are usually not primarily interested in price, but in the value of the products and services they will receive. As a result, hotels and hotel chains are increasingly forced to introduce new products and services in order to make users more satisfied. It is precisely the development of the gastronomic offer, both in individual hotels and in hotel chains, that is recognized as one of the ways of expanding the range of services and adding value to the overall tourist experience. In a practical example, the gastronomic offer was analyzed as part of the service in the hotel chain Meliá Hotels International. The example shows that the gastronomic offer, along with all other products and services of a tourist destination, is an extremely important and indispensable factor for the development of tourism in an area. In addition, most guests who visit a certain destination will certainly reach for food and drink at some point, which, if well prepared and well presented, can greatly enrich one's experience.
hotelski lanac
gastronomska ponuda
Meliá Hotels International S. A.
Keywords (english)
hotel chain
gastronomic offer
Meliá Hotels International S.A.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:228:583974
Study programme Title: Trade and Tourism Management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-08-23 10:20:52