Abstract | Svrha ovog rada bila je ispitati kako ultrazvuk visokog intenziteta korišten kao predtretman utječe na boju i teksturalna svojstva uzoraka šampinjona prilikom postupka sušenja. Uzorci se tretiraju u ultrazvučnoj kupelji pri različitim vremenskim intervalima (10,30 i 50 min), pri konstantnim uvjetima temperature (20 C˚), frekvencije (37 kHz), te amplitude (100%). Uzorci se potom suše u konvekcijskoj sušari na temperaturama od 40,55 i 70 C˚, pri različitim vremenima sušenja (60,120,180 min). Kod onih uzoraka koji nisu podvrgavani predtretmanu, sušenje se provodi kroz četiri vremenska intervala (60,10,180 i 240 min). Pokazalo se kako predtretman ultrazvukom značajno skraćuje vrijeme sušenja, te povoljno utječe na senzorska svojstva (boja i tekstura) sušenih uzoraka. Najboljim se pokazalo sušenje u trajanju od 3 sata, pri temperaturi od 55 C˚, uz 50 min predtretmana, te sušenje 3 sata na temperaturi od 70 C˚, uz predtretman ultrazvukom u trajanju od 10 min. |
Abstract (english) | The purpose of this study was to examine how high intensity ultrasound,used as pre-treatment affects the color and textural properties of samples of mushrooms during the drying process. The samples were treated in an ultrasound bath at various time points (10,30 and 50 min), under constant conditions of temperature (20 C˚), the frequency (37 kHz), and amplitude (100%).The samples are then dried in a convection dryer at temperatures of 40,55, and 70 C˚, drying at various times (60,120,180 min). Those samples that are not subjected to preliminary processing, drying is carried out in four time intervals (60,10,180 and 240 minutes). It turned out that the pre-treatment ultrasound significantly reduces the drying time and have positive impact on the sensory properties (color and texture) of dried samples. Best proved drying was for 3 hours, at a temperature of 55 C˚, with a 50 min pre-treatment, and drying for 3 hours at 70 C˚, with the pre-treatment of sonication for 10 min. |