Title Biološka kontrola jabučnog savijača (Cydia pomonella L.) u sustavu integrirane zaštite
Title (english) Biological control of codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) in the sistem of integrated protection
Author Vesna Tomaš
Mentor Mirjana Brmež (mentor)
Committee member Tihana Sudarić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Božena Barić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek (DEPARTMENT FOR PLANT PROTECTION) Osijek
Defense date and country 2015-05-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy Phytomedicine
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 633/635 - Horticulture. Fruit growing. Viticulture. Gardening
Thesaurus (NSK Kontrolirani rječnik)
Diseases and injuries
Abstract Jabuĉni savijaĉ Cydia pomonella L. jedan je od najvaţnijih tehnoloških štetnika jabuke ĉija populacija raste iz godinu u godinu. Cilj ovoga istraţivanja je bio utvrditi uĉinkovitost ĉetiri tretmana (1.- preparat na bazi baculovirusa CpGV; 2.- preparati iz grupe sintetskih piretroida; 3.- preparat na bazi kaolina 4.- kontrolni tretman), primjenjenih u dva razliĉita roka suzbijanja (A- na temelju ulova na feromonima; B- na temelju biologije i metode Wildbolz, 1962.), na tri sorte jabuka (Melrose, Jonagored, i Golden Delicious klon B). Pokus je proveden na pokušalištu Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek. Rezultati istraţivanja uĉinkovitosti prema Abbottu (1925.) su sljedeći: uĉinkovitost tretmana 1. (baculovirus) kretala od 78% do 95%, uĉinkovitost tretmana 2. koji se odnosi na djelovanje tri preparata iz skupine sintetskih piretroida kretala se od 96 % - 97 %, uĉinkovitost tretmana 3. u kojem je korištena mljevena kaolinska glina, kretala se izmeĊu 21,5-57%. Analiza varijance je pokazala kako su se urod i oštećenje jabuke znaĉajno razlikovali izmeĊu tretmana u sve tri godine istraţivanja. U ovom istraţivanju ostvarena je visoko znaĉajna negativna korelacija izmeĊu uroda i oštećenja (r=-0.756). Utjecaj roka suzbijanja nije pokazao statistiĉki znaĉajne razlike niti za svojstvo uroda niti za svojstvo oštećenja, osim na razini 0,5 i to u jednoj godini ispitivanja. Suzbijanje provedeno po rokovima utvrĊenim pomoću feromonskih mamaca ostvario je podjednako dobre rezultate kao i suzbijanje na temelju rokova odreĊenih prema biologiji u insektariju. Kombinirana analiza varijance je pokazala da postoje visoko znaĉajne razlike izmeĊu godina, s obzirom na urod i oštećenje ploda jabuke od jabuĉnog savijaĉa. Manja znaĉajnost javila se za izvor varijacije tretman-rok-sorta. Prilikom kalkulacije trţišnih cijena (TC) u tretmanu 1. i tretmanu 2. koeficijent ekonomiĉnosti je iznad 1 te ima tendenciju znaĉajnijeg rasta, u tretmanu 3 koeficjent se kreće na samoj granici ekonomiĉnosti dok je tretman 4. neekonomiĉan. Na temelju provedenog istraţivanja o suzbijanju jabuĉnog savijaĉa u istoĉnoj Hrvatskoj moţemo zakljuĉiti kako odluku o suzbijanju moţemo donijeti iskljuĉivo na temelju praćenja feromonima i sumiranja sume efektivnih temperatura jer ţivotni razvojni stadiji ovise o vremenskim prilikama i variraju od godine do godine. Vrlo je bitan izbor preparata ali pri tome treba voditi raĉuna i o pozitivnom djelovanju preparata na okoliš i ljudsko zdravlje.
Abstract (english) Codling moth Cydia pomonella L. is one of the most important apple pests whose population is growing from year to year. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of four treatments (1.- based on baculovirus CpGV 2.- based on deltamethrin,beta cyfluthrin and alpha-cipemetrina (from the group of synthetic pyrethroids), 3.- on the basis of kaolin, 4.- control treatment), applied on the basis of two different methods of time control (A- based on the catch on the pheromones; B on the basis of biology and methods Wildbolz, 1965), on the three apple varieties (Melrose, Jonagored, and Golden Delicious clone B). The experiment was performed at the Agricultural Institute Osijek. The results of the efficiacy according to Abbott (1925) are as follows; the efficacy of treatments 1. (baculovirus) ranged from 78% to 95%, the efficiacy of treatment 2. refering to the affect of three preparations from the group of synthetic pyrethroids ranged from 96% - 97%, the efficiacy of treatment 3. in which we used ground kaolin clay, ranged between 21.5 to 57%. Analysis of variance showed that the yield and damage on apples significantly differed between treatments in all three years of research. In this research, it was realized a highly significant negative correlation between yield and damage apples (r = -0756). Influence of the different methods of determining control did not show statistically significant differences either in the domain of yield or damage except in one year testing when the level of significanse was 0,5. The results of time control showed that using pheromone traps achieved equally good results as establishing the biology of codling moth in insect cage combined with monitoring developmental stages of pests using methods Wildbolz, 1962, so the assumption that the time of control on the basis of biology is more accurate and produces better results, can not be accepted. Combined analysis of variance showed the existence of highly significant differences between years, considering crop damage and the yield. Less significance occurred to source of variation treatment - time of control - variety. According to market prices (TC) treatment 1 and treatment 2 had ecomical coefficient above 1 with tendency of significant growth, while treatment 3 was on the very boder of profitability and treatment 4 was uneconomical. On the basis of carried out research the control of codling moth in Eastern Croatia we conclude that the decision for controling could be made on the basis of pheromones monitoring and summarizing effective temperatures as codling mothʹs life stages depend on climate conditions and vary from year to year. It is very important to make the best choice of preparations and at the same time be sure of their positive effect on the environment and human health.
Jabuĉni savijaĉ
Cydia pomonella L
rokovi suzbijanja
Keywords (english)
Codling moth
Cydia pomonella L
time of application
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:151:179241
Study programme Title: agricultural science Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje poljoprivreda (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje poljoprivreda)
Type of resource Text
Extent 120 str.; ilustr.; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-05-15 08:40:08