Abstract | Umjetničko djelo „Pribijeni kruh“ autora Dragoljuba Raše Todosijevića načinjen je od organskog materijala – kruha. Nakon gotovo 40 godina te postavljanjem u blizini drugog umjetničkog djela izrađenog od organskog materijala počeo se sušiti i raspadati. Kako bi očuvali djelo, restauratori su 2010. godine u kruh injektirali konsolidant prethodno potvrđene djelotvornosti - Paraloid B-72, i pričvrstili dijelove u početnu formu. Nakon 8 godina ponovno su primijećeni znakovi raspadanja te su znanstvenici procijenili učinkovitost drugih potencijalnih konsolidanata (Aquazol 200, Aquazol 500 i Mowilith 50) i ustanovili da su jednako učinkoviti u konzerviranju kruha, ali i da problem predstavlja neravnomjerna raspodjela svih ispitivanih konsolidanata u materijalu, što je i dovelo do ponovnog raspadanja kruha. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ustanoviti koji se od ranije spomenutih konsolidanata i kojom metodom apliciranja najbolje raspoređuje unutar materijala. U pripremi uzoraka korištene su metode injektiranja, umakanja u različitim vremenskim okvirima te apliciranja pomoću vakuum sustava. Za određivanje raspoređenosti konsolidanata u uzorku koristila se metoda snimanja spektara pomoću FTIR spektrometra s dijamantnom ATR tehnikom jednostruke refleksije na 13 različitih pozicija u uzorcima. Apsorpcijske vrpce u dobivenim spektrima uspoređeni su s apsorpcijskim vrpcama čistog konsolidanta čime se dobio postotak konsolidanta u određenom dijelu uzorka. Prema dobivenim rezultatima metoda umakanja konsolidanta kroz 15 minuta pokazala se kao najdjelotvornija metoda apliciranja, a najbolji postotak zadržavanja u kruhu i najhomogeniju raspoređenost pokazao je Aquazol 200. |
Abstract (english) | The artwork "Nailed Bread", whose author is Dragoljub Raša Todosijević, is made of organic material - bread. After 40 years and by positioning it near other artworks made of organic material, it began to dry and fall apart. In 2010, with the intention of preserving the artwork, the conservators injected Paraloid B-72, consolidant with previously confirmed efficacy, and glued the pieces together in their former form. After 8 years, new signs of degradation were observed, leading the scientists to investigate the effectiveness of other potential consolidants (Aquazol 200, Aquazol 500, and Mowilith 50) and confirm that they were all equally effective, but the problem with all of them was their inhomogeneous distribution, which led to new signs of degradation. The aim of this study was to find out which of the previously mentioned consolidants and which application method achieved the best distribution in the material. Injection methods, soaking for different periods of time, and application through a vacuum system were used to prepare the samples. FTIR spectrometry with diamond ATR technique was used to determine the distribution of consolidants in the samples by measuring the spectra at 13 different positions in the samples. The absorption bands of the obtained spectra were compared with the absorption bands of the pure consolidant, thus calculating the percentage of consolidant in a certain part of the sample. According to the results, the method of immersion in the consolidant for 15 minutes proved to be the most effective, and Aquazol 200 showed the highest percentage of retention in the bread and the most homogeneous distribution. |