Title Programi u svakodnevnom životu
Title (english) Programs in everyday life
Author Petra Zelić
Mentor Goranka Nogo (mentor)
Committee member Goranka Nogo (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Željka Milin Šipuš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražen Adamović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mea Bombardelli (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Mathematics
Abstract U ovom se radu istražuje mogućnost izrade programa iz svakodnevnog života u nastavi informatike, s ciljem unaprjeđenja vještina računalnog razmišljanja i programiranja uz usklađivanje s ishodima Kurikuluma nastavnoga predmeta Informatika za osnovne i srednje škole. Za realizaciju programa odabrana je Arduino platforma jer je bogata hardverskim komponentama, što potiče kreativnost u izradi projekata. Također, platforma ima veliku podršku online zajednice, čime se uvelike olakšava rad sa svim
... More njenim komponentama. Programi su rađeni na Arduino UNO pločici, koristeći besplatne softverske alate Arduino IDE i Tinkercad. Glavni dio ovog rada i razrada programa obuhvaćeni su u pet različitih aktivnosti primjerenih za učenike srednjih škola. Aktivnosti obuhvaćaju upravljanje svjetlima, simulaciju semafora, digitalnog klavira, protuprovalnog alarmnog sustava te automatskih kliznih vrata. Rad s Arduino pločicama zahtijeva razumijevanje osnovnih koncepata iz fizike poput strujnih krugova i Ohmovog zakona, stoga ove aktivnosti pružaju i priliku za poveznicama između predmeta Fizike i Informatike u izvedbi nastave. Ovaj rad naglašava vrijednost učenja putem samostalne izrade programa u nastavi informatike. Sudjelovanjem u ovim aktivnostima, učenici ne samo da usavršavaju svoje vještine programiranja, već stječu i neprocjenjivo iskustvo zbog fizičke izgradnje programa. Promatranjem vizualnih rezultata svog rada, produbljuje se razumijevanje učenika i potiče kritičko razmišljanje, ali i razvoj analitičkih vještina u planiranju izrade. Less
Abstract (english) This thesis explores the possibility of integrating everyday programs into computer science education, aiming to enhance students’ computational thinking and programming skills while aligning with the objectives of the Computer Science Curriculum for primary and secondary schools. The Arduino platform was chosen for this exploration due to it being rich in hardware components, which increase creativity in project development. Additionally, the platform is supported by a strong online
... More community, thus greatly facilitating working with all of its components. The programs were developed on the Arduino UNO board, using free software tools Arduino IDE and Tinkercad. The core of this thesis and the elaboration of programs are covered in five distinct activities suitable for high school students. These activities include controlling lights, simulating traffic lights, a digital piano, a burglar alarm system and automatic sliding doors. Working with Arduino boards requires an understanding of basic physics concepts, such as electrical circuits and Ohm’s law, thereby providing opportunities for interdisciplinary connections between Physics and Computer Science in teaching. This thesis emphasizes the value of learning through hands-on program creation in computer science education. By engaging in these activities, students not only refine their programming skills but also gain invaluable experience due to the physical construction of programs. Observing visual results of their work deepens students' understanding and promotes critical thinking, as well as the development of analytical skills in project planning. Less
nastava informatike
Arduino platforma
Arduino UNO
Audrino IDE
Keywords (english)
computer science education
Arduino platform
Arduino UNO
Arduino IDE
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:430422
Study programme Title: Mathematics and Computer Science Education; specializations in: Mathematics and Computer Science Education Course: Mathematics and Computer Science Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar edukacije matematike i informatike (sveučilišni magistar edukacije matematike i informatike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-02-07 10:17:10