Title Motivacijska uvjerenja i konceptualna promjena pri učenju matematike
Author Vedran Jovanović
Mentor Aleksandra Čižmešija (mentor)
Mentor Daria Rovan (mentor)
Committee member Daria Rovan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandra Čižmešija (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mea Bombardelli (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Boris Širola (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Mathematics
Abstract Matematika je nastavni predmet koji se ubraja među teže nastavne predmete jer zahtjeva neprekidan i konstantan rad, trud te zahtjeva puno uloženog vremena. Kako bi učenička postignuća bila što veća i bogatija potrebno je nešto što će ih potakniti na učenje, a to je motivacija. Spoznaje i odgovore vezane za motivaciju u procesu učenja, pružit će nam teorija razvijena u okviru socijalno-kognitivnog pristupa, a to je teorija očekivanja i vrijednosti Eccles i suradnika. Prema teorija očekivanja i
... More vrijednosti pretpostavlja se da na kvalitetu obrazovnih ishoda u značajnoj mjeri utječu motivacijska uvjerenja učenika i to posebno uvjerenje o kompetentnosti te subjektivna vrijednost koju učenik pridaje učenju određenog sadržaja. Cilj diplomskog rada bio je utvrditi ulogu motivacijskih uvjerenja pri usvajanju koncepata iz matematike, preciznije pri usvajanju koncepata vezanih uz prizme. Htjeli smo provjeriti učeničku predodžbu prizme kao geometrijskog tijela, sposobnost prepoznavanja prizme, poznavanje njezinih elemenata i sposobnost opisa, odnosno definiranja prizme te ispitati motivacijska uvjerenja o učenju nastavnog sadržaja vezanog uz koncept prizme, te o učenju matematike općenito te utvrditi povezanost motivacijskih uvjerenja s postignutom konceptualnom promjenom u razumijevanju koncepta prizme. Rezultati pokazuju kako su učenici postigli bolje rezultate u posttestu nego u predtestu, čime smo potvrdili očekivanja da će učenici imati veće znanje nakon obrade gradiva. Ipak, uz vidljiv napredak, rezultati na posttestu ukazuju na činjenicu da kod učenika još uvijek postoji prostor za napredak u količini usvojenog gradiva. Isto tako, rezultati su pokazali da učenici koji su sebe smatrali samoefikasnijima te koji su pridavali veću vrijednost kako matematici općenito, tako i prizmama, postigli bolji uspjeh na posttestu, ali samo u zadatku čije rješavanje je zahtijevalo višu razinu kognitivne uključenosti učenika. Less
Abstract (english) Maths is a school subject considered to belong to more difficult subjects because it requires continuous and constant hard work and a lot of invested time. To make the students achieve better results, we need something to incite them to learn and that something is motivation. The findings and the answers about the motivation in the learning process is given to us by the theory developed in the framework of the social-cognitive approach, and that is the expectancy-value theory by Eccles and
... More associates. According to the expectancy-value theory it is assumed that motivational beliefs of students significantly influence the quality of the educational outcomes, especially the belief about competence, as well as the subjective value that the student adds to the studied content. The goal of this thesis was to establish the role of motivational beliefs while studying concepts of maths, especially while learning about the concepts of a prism. We wanted to test the students' notion of a prism as a geometrical body, their ability to recognise it and its elements and their ability to describe it, i.e. to define it. We also wanted to test the motivational beliefs behind the study of the teaching material related to the concept of a prism and of the study of maths in general as well as to establish the connection between the motivational beliefs and the achieved conceptual change in the understanding of the concept of a prism. The results showed that the students achieved better results in the post-test than in the preliminary test, which confirmed our expectations that the students would have better results after the teaching material was covered. However, despite the noticeable progress, the results on the post-test indicated that there was still room for the enhancement of the quantity of the material learnt. Also, the results showed that the students who considered themselves to be more self-efficient and who added more value to the maths in general, as well as to the prisms, achieved better results in the post-test, but only in the task whose answer demanded a higher level of the students' cognitive involvement. Less
nastava matematike
motivacija u procesu učenja
teorija očekivanja i vrijednosti
motivacijska uvjerenja
Keywords (english)
teaching mathematics
motivation in the learning process
expectancy-value theory
motivational beliefs
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:640483
Study programme Title: Mathematics Education; specializations in: Mathematics Education Course: Mathematics Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije matematike (magistar/magistra edukacije matematike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-02-01 10:51:33