Abstract | Mučnina i povraćanje (MIP) se javljaju kod 70 do 80 % trudnica no uglavnom nestaju nakon 22. tjedna
gestacije. Patogeneza MIP-a je nejasna a vjerojatno uključuje kombinaciju genetskih i endokrinih čimbenika.
Poremećaj značajno narušava kvalitetu života, posebice kod teških oblika. Đumbir (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)
ima dobro dokumentiranu antiemetičku učinkovitost i dokazanu sigurnost za primjenu u trudnoći. Cilj je bio
ispitati stavove i primjenu đumbira kao antiemetika među trudnicama. Od ukupno 129 trudnica koje su
sudjelovale u istraživanju, 86,8 % ima MIP, najviše u 1. tromjesečju (55,8 %). Trudnice imaju pozitivan stav
prema đumbiru, posebice trudnice s MIP-om u 1. tromjesečju. Ukupno je 41,1 % trudnica probalo đumbir za
olakšanje tegoba MIP-a. Olakšanje tegoba MIP-a s primjenom đumbira je bilo najbolje kod trudnica s MIP-om
u 1. tromjesečju (68,2 % s olakšanjem, 51,7 % bez olakšanja), dok je kod žena s tegobama MIP-a tijekom cijele
trudnoće značajno veći broj onih koje su rekle kako im đumbir nije pomogao (41,4 % bez olakšanja, 9,1 % s
olakšanjem). Trudnice s MIP-om imaju značajno lošiju kvalitetu života od trudnica bez tegoba
(p<0,001).Primjena dodataka prehrani je povezana s MIP-om u 1. tromjesečju (p=0,013), a pušenje s MIP-om
kroz cijelu trudnoću (p=0,021). Potrebno je povećati razinu znanja o antiemetičkoj učinkovitosti i sigurnosti
đumbira u trudnoći, no više pažnje je potrebno usmjeriti na promjenu prehrane i životnih navika, posebice
kod žena s jako izraženim tegobama. |
Abstract (english) | Nausea and vomiting (NV) affect 70 to 80% of pregnant women but usually subside by 22nd gestation week.
Pathology behind NV is unclear and probably includes genetics and endocrine function. The disorder alters
quality of life, especially in severe forms. Antiemetic effectiveness of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) and
safety in pregnancy are well documented. The aim was to evaluate attitudes and use of ginger as antiemetic
in pregnancy. Out of 129 pregnant women who participated in the research, NV are present in 86.8 %, mainly
in the 1st trimester (55.8%). Pregnant women have positive attitude towards ginger, especially those with NV
in the 1st trimester. Total of 41.1 % of pregnant women tried ginger to alleviate NV symptoms. The best
effectiveness was reported by pregnant women with NV in the 1st trimester (68.2 % with relief, 51.7 % no
effect), while women with NV throughout pregnancy had the lowest success (41.4 % no effect, 9.1 % with
relief). Quality of life of pregnant women with NV is significantly lower in comparison to pregnant women
without the disorder (p<0.001). Use of supplements was found to increase NV in the 1st trimester (p=0.013),
while smoking was found to increase NV throughout pregnancy (p=0.021). Knowledge about antiemetic effect
and safety of ginger in pregnancy needs to improve, but more attention should be given to diet and lifestyle
changes, especially in women with severe NV. |