Abstract | Pretilost je jedan od vodećih zdravstvenih problema koji je poprimio razmjere pandemije. Glavni uzroci pretilosti u dječjoj dobi su neravnoteža između unosa energije, potrošene energije za osnovne fiziološke procese i aktivnosti.
Socioekonomski status, znanje o pravilnoj prehrani, obitelj i vršnjaci imaju značajan utjecaj na prehranu djece. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati uzročno-posljedične odnose životnih navika, a koje uključuju i prehrambene navike, i tjelesne mase djece u dobi 9-12 godina. Dodatno radom se željelo saznati koliko roditelji imaju saznanja o dječjim navikama i jesu li te razlike značajne. Djeca (n=123, 42,3 % dječaci; 57,7 % djevojčice) i njihovi roditelji (n=246) ispunjavali su upitnik koji je razvijen za potrebe ove studije. Upitnik se temeljio na djetetovim prehrambenim navikama, tjelesnoj aktivnosti u školi i slobodnom vremenu. Generalno djeca su odgovorila da je njihova prehrana kvalitetnija nego što su odgovorili njihovi roditelji (70,7 % odnosno 58,5 %). Odgovori djece o broju unesenih obroka razlikuju se naspram odgovora njihovih roditelja (64,2 % roditelja izvješćuje da njihovo dijete pojede 4-5 obroka dnevno, a 48 % djece izvješćuje isto). Redovitu konzumaciju
doručka prijavilo je 90,2 % roditelja, a 80,5 % djece izvijestilo je isto. Prema odgovorima djece, njih 94,3 % bavi se sportskim aktivnostima u školi i 77,2 % sudjeluje u drugim sportskim aktivnostima u slobodno vrijeme. Dječaci provode više vremena ispred računala nego djevojčice, a što utječe da je 24 % dječaka iznad 85-e percentile, a 14% djevojčica. U zaključku treba naglasiti kako postoji povezanost životnog stila, prehrane i stanja uhranjenosti. Kako se odgovori djece i roditelja često puta statistički značajno razlikuju, treba zaključiti kako roditelji u suvremenom načinu života ne mogu slijediti životne navike svoje djece, pa je uloga zajednice, škole i zdravstvenih službi značajna, a što bi onda trebalo ugraditi u edukativne programe, te programe lokalne zajednice koji bi osigurali lakše provođenje fizičke aktivnosti. |
Abstract (english) | Obesity is one of the leading health problems that has assumed pandemic proportions. The main causes of childhood obesity are an imbalance between energy intake, energy spent for basic physiological processes and activities.
Socioeconomic status, knowledge about proper nutrition, family and peers have a significant impact on child nutrition. The main objective of this study was to investigate causal relationships habits, which include eating habits, and body weight of children aged 9-12 years. Additional work was to find out how many parents have knowledge about children's habits and
whether these differences are significant. Children (n = 123, 42.3% boys; 57.7% girls) and their parents (n = 246) filled out a questionnaire that was developed for this study. The questionnaire was based on the child's eating habits, physical activity at school and leisure time. Generally children responded that their diet better than they answer their parents (70.7% and
58.5%). Answers on the number of children entered meals differ response against their parents (64.2% of parents reported that their child ate 4-5 meals a day, and 48% of children report to the same). Regular consumption of breakfast was reported by 90.2% of parents and 80.5% of children reported the same. According to the responses of children, 94.3% of them involved in sports activities at school and 77.2% participate in other sports activities in their free time. Boys spend more time in front of computers than girls, and what affects that 24% of boys above 85 percentile, and 14% of girls. In conclusion it should be emphasized that there is a connection between lifestyle, diet and nutritional status. As the
responses of children and parents often differ significantly, it must be concluded that parents in the modern way of life can not follow the habits of their children, and the role of communities, schools and health services is significant, which should then be incorporated into educational programs, and local community programs that ensure easier implementation of physical activity. |