Author Ivan Galović
Mentor Neven Lovrin (mentor)
Committee member Roberto Žigulić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering Rijeka
Defense date and country 2016-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Abstract Vjedreni elevatori mogu se svrstati u transportne sustave neprestanog toka koji služe transportu rasutog tereta, a pri tome im pomažu vjedra koja se nalaze na vučnom elementu koji može biti gumena traka ili lanac. Pogon se ostvaruje putem gonjenog i pogonskog bubnja (ili lančanika), pri čemu je potonji spojen na pogonsku jedinicu koju čine najčešće elektromotor u kombinaciji sa reduktorom. Transport materijala se najčešće vrši okomito ili u kosoj izvedbi što je ujedno bio slučaj i u ovom radu.
... More Bilo je potrebno proračunati dvije vrste elevatora, za okomiti i kosi transport (izvedba pod kutom od 70°). Ono što je bilo neuobičajeno za ovu vrstu transportera je materijal transporta, a to su masline. U dostupnoj literaturi nije bilo navedenih podataka i smjernica za transport maslina putem elevatora, te se moralo pristupiti logičkom zaključivanju, ali i približnom odabiru koeficijenata tokom proračuna kako bi što više odgovarali transportiranom materijalu. Primjerice, za slučaju kada je vučni element lanac, karakteristične su male brzine i gravitacijsko pražnjenje vjedara, što je idealno za transport maslina zbog sprječavanja oštećivanja materijala, ali zbog nečistoća ne bi odgovaralo budući da se radi o hrani i stoga se koristi gumena traka uz zadržavanje niske brzine transporta i gravitacijskog pražnjenja. Nakon izračuna prisutnih sila prilikom transporta, izračunata je i potrebna snaga elektromotora, te je iz kataloga proizvođača odabran onaj koji zadovoljava jednu i drugu izvedbu. Pri kraju rada napravljen je i proračun vratila i osovine sa ležajevima, a u toku proračuna su određene dimenzije pogonskog i gonjenog bubnja koje će se koristit kod konstruiranja elevatora. Uz proračune, zadatak je bio i konstruirati kosu izvedbu koja će se koristiti u pogonu za obradu maslina i proizvodnju maslinovog ulja. Određen je način ulaza i izlaza materijala iz elevatora, kao i smještaj gonjenog (koji je ujedno i natezni) i pogonskog bubnja, a sve je popraćeno sklopnim i radioničkim nacrtima popratnih komponenti projektiranog elevatora. Less
Abstract (english) Bucket elevators can be classified into a continuous flow of transportation systems that serve the transportation of bulk cargo, and thereby helped by buckets which are located on the towing element that can be a rubber band or chain. Propulsion is achieved by the drive and the driven drum (or rag wheel), with the latter being connected to a drive unit consisting of an electric motor usually in combination with reduction gear. Transportation of material is usually done vertically or oblique
... More performance as was also the case in this study. It is necessary to calculate two types of elevators, vertical and hair vehicles (in this case at an angle of 70 °). What was unusual in this type of conveyor is material transport, such as olives. In the literature it was not mentioned data and guidelines for the transportation of olives by elevator, that's why it was necessary to approach with a logical conclusion, and the approximate selection coefficients during the calculation so that more fit the transported material. For example, in the case where the traction element is chain, it is characterized by low speed and gravitational emptying buckets, which is ideal for the transportation of olives to prevent damage of the material, but because of the impurities would not suit because it is a food, and therefore it was used rubber band while maintaining low-speed transport and gravitational discharge. After calculating the forces present during transport, it was calculated and the necessary power for the electric motor, and catalog producers selected one that meets one or another performance. At the end of the work it was made calculation of axle and shaft with bearings, and in the course of the calculation are determined the dimensions of the drive and driven drum that will be used in the construction of elevator. With calculation, second task was to construct a tilted elevator that will be used in the facility for processing of olives and olive oil. Input and output of material from the elevator was determined, as well as accommodation driven (who is also the tensile) and the drive drum, all accompanied by set and workshop drawings accompanying components of designed elevator. Less
vjedreni elevator
okomiti transport
kosi transport
Keywords (english)
bucket elevator
vertical transport
tilt transport
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:190:529163
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2016-11-22 07:28:01