Abstract | Neinvazivna terapija karijesa suvremeni je pristup liječenja najraširenije infektivne bolesti. Terapija se temelji na prevenciji karijesa, pravovremenom otkrivanju lezija, zatim remineralizaciji, te minimalnom odstranjivanju inficiranog zubnog tkiva. Pri dijagnosticiranju lezija, uz taktilnu metodu i rendgenske snimke, uvodi se korištenje modernih uređaja poput DIAGNOdent-a, koji omogućuje rano otkrivanje karijesa. Laser se osim u prevenciji i dijagnosticiranju, koristi i za redukciju mikroorganizama, pripremu dentina i cakline, te uklanjanje karijesom promijenjenog tkiva. Za remineralizaciju zubnog tkiva pomaže nam uporaba terapije ozonom. Ozon smanjuje broj mikroorganizama karijesne lezije, reducira inhibitore remineralizacije i omogućuje da se dentinski tubulusi otvaraju, čime je pospješen proces remineralizacije. Za odstranjenje isključivo inficiranog zubnog tkiva i poštedu zdravog, koriste se neke od neinvazivnih metoda, kao što su: ART tehnika, koja se temelji na korištenju ručnih instrumenata; „step-wise“ tehnika, pri kojoj nastojimo sačuvati vitalitet zubne pulpe; kemomehanička metode, gdje se posebnim gelom boji karijesom promijenjeno tkivo; fotoaktivna dezinfekcija, koja se temelji na vezanju fotoosjetljivih molekula na membranu bakterija ili minimalno invazivna preparacija, u kojoj se koriste posebna svrdla malenih glava. |
Abstract (english) | Non-invasive treatment of caries is a contemporary approach to the treatment of the most widespread infectious disease. The therapy is based on caries prevention, timely detection of lesions, remineralization and minimal removal of infected tooth structure. In the diagnosis of the lesion with the tactile method and X-rays we introduced the use of modern devices such as DIAGNOdent, which allows early detection of caries. The laser is used in prevention and diagnosis, suppression of microorganisms, preparation of dentin and enamel and removal of caries affected tissue. Ozone therapy is helpful for remineralization of tooth structure. Ozone reduces the number of microorganisms in carious lesions, reducing inhibitors of remineralization and allows the dentinal tubules to open, which aids the process of remineralization. Today we use some of the non-invasive methods for the targeted removal of the infected tooth tissue while saving the healthy tissue, such as: ART technique, which is based on the use of hand-held instruments, "step-wise" technique, in which we try to preserve the vitality of dental pulp, chemomechanical methods, where a special gel is used to color the carious tissue, photoactive disinfection, which is based on the binding of photosensitive molecules in the membrane of bacteria and finally, minimally invasive preparation, which uses a special drill with small head. |