Abstract | Traumatska okluzija je ona okluzija koja izaziva patološke promjene što se razvijaju u zubima, parodontu, žvačnoj muskulaturi i temporomandibularnim zglobovima. Klasificira se kao primarna i sekundarna. Primarna nastaje pri djelovanju prekomjernih sila na zdrav parodont. Sekundarna se razvija kad normalne sile okluzije postaju prekomjerne za oslabljeni parodont. Etiološki čimbenici poput bruksizma, malokluzije, smanjenog ili jednostranog načina žvakanja, gubitka zuba, gubitka parodontne potpore,
neodgovarajućih odnosa okluzijske plohe i temporomandibularnog zgloba, dentalnog karijesa, neodgovarajućih dentalnih ispuna, neodgovarajuće ortodontske terapije, loše okluzalne prilagodbe, nepogodnih navika, upale i malignih procesa rezultiraju
nastankom traumatske okluzije. Traumatska okluzija može biti patološka za zube, njihove potporne strukture, žvačnu muskulaturu i temporomandibularne zglobove. Cilj je terapije traumatske okluzije uspostava harmoničnih okluzalnih odnosa stomatognatog sustava, što predstavlja osnovu za uravnoteženo i skladno funkcioniranje svih njegovih komponenti. |
Abstract (english) | Traumatic occlusion is such an occlusion which causes pathological changes developing in teeth, periodontal, chewing musculature and temporomandibular joints. It is classified as primary and secondary. The primary one is caused by
excessive forces on the healthy periodontal. The secondary one is developed when normal occlusion forces become excessive for the weakened periodontal. Ethyological factors such as: bruxism, malocclusion, reduced or one-sided chewing, tooth loss, periodontal support loss, inadequate relation between the occlusal surface and the temporomandibular joint, dental caries, inadequate dental fillings, inadequate orthodontic therapy, bad occlusal adjustment, inconvenient habits, inflammation, and malign processes resulting after traumatic occlusion. Traumatic occlusion may be pathological for the tooth, its support structure, chewing musculature and temporomandibular joints. The goal of the traumatic occlusion therapy is to establish harmonious relations within the stomatognathic system which represents the basis for balanced and harmonious functioning of all of its components. |