Title Teorija društva spektakla u djelu Guya Deborda
Author Anja Hamerlitz
Mentor Žarko Paić (mentor)
Committee member Tonči Valentić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Žarko Paić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Martinia Ira Glogar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Katarina Nina Simončič (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Textile Technology Textile and Clothing Design
Abstract Ovaj diplomski rad nastao je temeljem dugotrajnog interesa za akademskim djelovanjem Guya Deborda i Situacionističke internacionale generalno te razmatranjem problema djelovanja medija te utjecaja spektakla na medije te posljedično na svakodnevicu. Ovaj diplomski rad podijeljen je u 6 poglavlja. U uvodnom dijelu diplomskog rada diskutirat ću o problematici modernog društva i medijskog djelovanja u istom te utjecaju Situacionističke internacionale na čelu s Debordom na razvoj današnjeg društva i percepcije realiteta. Nadalje, u teorijskom dijelu diplomskog rada, bavit ću se definiranjem temeljnih termina koji su potrebni za ispravno shvaćanje Debordovih misli i njegovih načela. Termini slike, ideologije i kapitala temelj su filozofskog i akademskog djelovanja Guya Deborda te ispravno shvaćanje ovih termina uvelike ovisi o razumijevanju teme o kojoj ću pisati. Na samom kraju teoretskog dijela diplomskog rada osvrnut ću se i na povijesni nastanak navedenih termina te njihovu relaciju i korelaciju u Debordovoj filozofiji. U narednom dijelu diplomskog rada fokusirat ću se na „Društvo spektakla” kao temelj proučavanja Debordove filozofije i shvaćanja postmodernog društva. Najprije ću se posvetiti teorijskim i filozofskim pravcima koji su utjecali na razvoj teorije kulture spektakla dok ću u drugom potpoglavlju pažnju preusmjeriti na djelovanje medija te njihovu ulogu u društvu. Pred sam kraj ovog dijela diplomskog rada osvrnut ću se i na aktualnost Debordove knjige „Društvo spektakla” s obzirom na novonastale aktualnosti u svijetu, a na samom kraju diplomskog rada, u poglavlju zaključak, sumirat ću sve navedene analize i argumente te konstruirati vlastito viđenje Debordovih misli te posljedično i njegove filozofije te poimanja društva.
Abstract (english) This thesis is based on a long-standing interest in the academic work of Guy Debord and the situation movement in general, and by considering the problems of the media and the impact of the spectacle on the media and, consequently, on everyday life. This thesis is divided into 6 chapters. In the introductory part of the thesis I will discuss the problems of modern society and media activities in the same and the impact of the situationist international led by Debord on the development of today's society and the perception of reality. Furthermore, in the theoretical part of the thesis, I will deal with defining the basic terms needed to properly understand Debord's thought and its principles. The terms image, ideology, and capital are the foundation of Guy Debord's philosophical and academic work, and a proper understanding of these terms depends largely on understanding the topic I will be writing about. At the very end of the theoretical part of the thesis, I will look at the historical origin of these terms and their relation and correlation in Debord's philosophy. In the next part of my dissertation, I will focus on the “Society of Spectacle” as the foundation for the study of Debord's philosophy and understanding of postmodern society. I will first focus on the theoretical and philosophical directions that influenced the development of the theory of spectacle culture, while in the second subchapter I will focus on the work of the media and their role in society. At the very end of this part of my dissertation, I will also refer to the topicality of Debord's book "The Society of the Spectacle" with regard to the newly created topicalities in the world. At the very end of the thesis, in the chapter conclusion, I will summarize all the above analyzes and arguments and construct my own view of Debord's thoughts and, consequently, his philosophy and understanding of society.
Guy Debord
Društvo spektakla
Keywords (english)
Guy Debord
Society of Spectacle
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:201:610739
Study programme Title: Textile and Fashion Design; specializations in: Fashion Design, Textile Design, Costume Design, Fashion Theory and Culture Course: Fashion Theory and Culture Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka tekstilnog i modnog dizajna (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka tekstilnog i modnog dizajna)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-09-22 08:09:28