Title Odgojiteljeva komunikacija i govorni razvoj djece
Title (english) Kindergarten Teacher Communication and Speech Development in Children
Author Anita Ljutić
Mentor Jelena Vignjević (mentor)
Committee member Jelena Vignjević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vladimira Velički (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Iva Gruić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-06-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Developmental Psychology
Abstract Danas se u suvremenom svijetu susrećemo s različitim oblicima prenošenja poruka, a govor je način komunikacije koji zauzima veoma važnu ulogu u našim životima. Govor je primarno sredstvo koje čovjek koristi u izražavanju svojih misli, potreba, osjećaja i stavova, te zauzima važnu ulogu u našem životu i životu naše djece. Vrtić je kao odgojno-obrazovna ustanova, uz obitelj, mjesto gdje dijete provodi većinu svoga vremena do polaska u školu. Ustanova ranog odgoja i obrazovanja igra jako bitnu i nenadomjestivu ulogu u djetetovu životu i počiva na postulatu koji je utkan u svaki segment odgojno-obrazovnog rada, a to je cjeloviti razvoj djeteta. Vrtić kao dječja kuća potiče razvoj djeteta na svim razvojnim područjima i svjestan je neraskidive veze između različitih aspekata djetetova razvoja. Poticanjem svih segmenata djetetova razvoja odgojitelji imaju značajnu ulogu i u poticanju govorno-jezičnog razvoja djece. Neprikladan govorni uzor iz djetetove okoline ili odrastanje u socijalno i pedagoški nemotivirajućoj sredini često su neki od funkcionalnih uzroka koji dovode do govorno-jezičnih poremećaja.
Rad donosi prikaz teorijskog pregleda istraživanja dječjega jezičnoga razvoja. Autorica se osvrće na komunikaciju odgojitelja i djece te na poticanje govorno-jezičnog razvoja djece u vrtiću u trima segmentima: prostorno-materijalnom kontekstu, zakonskom okviru kojim je propisan rad na poticanju govornog razvoja djece te u segmentu jezičnoga ponašanja odgojitelja kao govornog uzora. Potom slijedi prikaz istraživanja tijekom kojeg je istraživačica metodom promatranja bilježila prisutnost određenih komunikacijskih elemenata kod odgojitelja za vrijeme neposrednog rada s djecom. Istraživanje je polazilo od pretpostavke da će pozitivne komunikacijske postupke češće iskazivati odgojitelji višeg stupnja obrazovanja, neovisno o radnom iskustvu, no rezultati su pokazali da je ta pretpostavka samo djelomično točna. Odnosno, odgojitelji s višim stupnjem naobrazbe pokazali su u komunikaciji s djecom češću i uspješniju uporabu samo nekih od komunikacijskih elemenata koji su se promatrali.
Abstract (english) In modern world we live in nowadays, we encounter different ways of conveying a message, and speech is definitely a type of communication that takes up a very important role in all our lives.
It is the most important tool people use to express their thoughts, needs, feelings and viewpoints, and therefore it takes up a very important role in our lives and the lives of our children. Kindergarten as an educational institution, alongside family, is a place where a child spends most of its time before it starts school. Being an institution for early education kindergarten plays an irreplacable role in a child's life , as it rests on its fundamental postulate that is woven into every single segment of an educational process - a coherent developement of every single child. Kindergarten encourages all aspects of a child's development and it is fully aware of their interconnectedness. By encouraging all segments of a child's developement kindergarten teachers play a significant role in encouraging speech and language developement as well. Inappropriate speech rolemodel in a child's habitat or growing up in a socially or educationally unmotivating environment often are some of the root cause that can lead to language disorder.
This paper gives us an outline of theoretical overview of child's language developement exploration. The author reflects the communication that takes place between the kindergarten teacher and the children and encouraging the speech and language developement of children according to three segments: spatial - material context, legal framework that has been proscribed for encouraging children's speech developement and the segment of kindergarten teacher's language conduct as an ultimate speech rolemodel. Subsequently we encounter an outline of detailed exploration during which the author by method of scrutiny took record of presence of certain communication elements that the teacher displays during the immediate interaction with children. The exploration took as its starting point an assumption that the positive communication pattern will be displayed more often by the teachers with higher level of education, nevermind the work experience, but the results showed this assumption to be only partially correct. To be more precise, kindergarten teachers with higher level of formal education displayed in their communication with children more frequent and more successful use of only some of the communication elements that were being observed.
razvoj govora
odgojitelj i dijete
cjeloživotno učenje
Keywords (english)
speech developement
a kindergarten teacher and a child
lifelong learning
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:576659
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-01-26 11:37:48