Title Priča u stihu kao poticaj glazbeno - stvaralačkog izričaja djece predškolske dobi
Title (english) Story in verse to encourage musical and creative expression of preschool children
Author Marijana Barišić
Mentor Blaženka Bačlija Sušić (mentor)
Committee member Diana Zalar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Peteh (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Blaženka Bačlija Sušić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Art of Music
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Developmental Psychology
Abstract Čovjek ima poseban osjećaj za glazbu. Istraživanja potvrđuju da već u prenatalnom periodu fetus osluškuje majčin glas i otkucaje njezina bila te se zvuk potvrdio kao jedan od primarnih poticaja za razvoj svake osobe. Neka od istraživanja pokazuju da sudjelovanje djece u različitim glazbenim aktivnostima utječe kasnije na bolju motoričku koordinaciju i lakoću pokreta. Dijete se zarana susreće i s poezijom koja se zbog svoje ritmičnosti, združena s melodijom, koristila za uspavljivanje najmanje djece još od pradavnih vremena. Ritmična priča u stihu i glazba pokazale su se važnima kao dio odgojno - obrazovnog procesa u razvoju dječje kreativnosti i stvaralaštva. U ovom radu prikazuje se utjecaj rimovane priče u stihu, kao dramskog igrokaza, na glazbeni stvaralački izričaj predškolske djece okupljene u glazbeno - scenskoj radionici koju je činila heterogena skupina od 24 mališana. Radionici je prethodilo uprizorenje dramatizirane priče u rimi, “Povuci — potegni”, dodatno obogaćene veselom glazbom. U sklopu radionice djeci je omogućeno uživljavanje u neki od likova iz predstave, prema vlastitom izboru. Sloboda i spontanost pri interpretaciji lika preuzetog iz predstave, uz dodatak vlastitih osobina svakog djeteta, rezultirala je stvaranjem novih osobitosti lika. Poticanje djece na suradnju potvrdilo je stajaliste Majsec — Vrbanić (2008) prema kojem djeca u tim okolnostima stvaraju najjaču komunikaciju te se idejno i stvaračatki nadopunjuju. I pribor za poticanje glazbom omogućio je, osim samog upoznavanja s glazbalom, i ovladavanje osnovnom glazbenom naobrazbom kao što su visina, trajanje, jačina i boja tona, pa i znatiželja o načinu pisanja nota. Uz poticajno glazbeno okruženje, tijekom provedbe glazbenih aktivnosti, važnu ulogu preuzima sam voditelj aktivnosti, njegove glazbene kompetencije i predanost u radu. Neposrednim promatranjem dijece tijekom aktivnosti da se uočiti snažna, disciplinirana i koncentrirana predanost u glazbeno — stvaralačkom procesu. Ozvučena priča i glazba, kao sredstvo komunikacije, ima svojevrsnu ulogu katalizatora u poticanju emocija pa se pokazala i kao izvrsno sredstvo u terapiji, u radu sa slijepom djecom.
Abstract (english) The man has special feeling for music. Researches confirm that already in the prenatal period, the fetus listens to the mother's voice and her heartbeat, and that this sound is determined as one of the primary stimuli for the development of every person. What’s more, some researches show that children’s participation in variety of musical activities has big influence on better motor coordination and ease of movement in the future. The child also encounters poetry early on, which, due to its rhythmicity combined with the melody, has been used to put the youngest children to sleep ever since the ancient times. Rhythmic story in verse and music are in fact proven to be an important part of the educational process in the development of children's creativity, imagination and inventiveness. This script presents the influence of rhyming stories in verse as dramatic play on musical creative expression of preschool children gathered in music stage workshop consisting of heterogeneous group of 24 children. The workshop was preceded by dramatized story in rhyme, “Povuci potegni”, which was enriched with cheerful music. As part of the workshop, children were given the opportunity to imitate one of the characters from the play, according to their own choice. Freedom and spontaneity in their interpretations with the addition of each child's own characteristics resulted in the creation of new features of the characters. The idea of encouraging children to cooperate was approved by the position of Majsec Vrbanić (2008), according to which the children in these circumstances create strongest communication and complement each other conceptually and creatively. In addition to getting familiar with the instrument, the music stimulation equipment also enabled the mastery of basic musical education such as pitch, duration, volume and colour of tones, as well as curiosity about the way of writing notes. In addition to stimulating music environment, during the implementation of musical activities, an important role was taken over by the leader of the activity, his musical competencies and dedication to his own work. By direct observation of the children during the activity, strong, disciplined and concentrated commitment in the musical creative process was indubitably noticeable. Audio story and music, as way of communication, have kind of catalyst role in stimulating emotions, as it’s proven to be an excellent tool in therapy, such as working with blind children.
narativna poezija
glazbeni teatar
glazbeno stvaralačka aktivnost
cjeloviti razvoj djeteta
zvuk knjige
Keywords (english)
narrative poetry
musical theatre
musical creative activity
complete development of child
sound of book
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:303225
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-02-08 09:51:03