Title Djetetov jezični razvoj u kontekstu socio-emocionalne veze s majkom
Title (english) The child´s language development in the context of the socio-emotional connection with mother
Author Kristina Čule
Mentor Jelena Vignjević (mentor)
Committee member Vladimira Velički (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Golik Homolak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Vignjević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Developmental Psychology
Abstract Djetetov jezični razvoj nije moguće promatrati izolirano od ostalih područja njegova razvoja. Potvrđujući prethodnu tvrdnju ovaj rad naglasak stavlja na dječji jezični razvoj, kojem prethodi iznošenje značajki socijalnog i emocionalnog razvoja. Dječji jezični razvoj promatra se od prenatalnog razdoblja, pa do šeste godine života djeteta. Donose se temeljne teorije koje pokušavaju objasniti spomenuti razvoj. Nijedna od njih pojedinačno ne objašnjava u potpunosti tu pojavu, no svaka naglašava pojedine aspekte važne za razumijevanje kompleksnog fenomena dječjega jezičnoga razvoja. Dječjem je jezičnom razvoju stoga i nužno pristupiti multidisciplinarno. Nadalje, djetetov cjelokupni razvoj nije moguće promatrati izolirano od okoline u kojoj odrasta. Prije polaska u predškolsku ustanovu, djetetovu okolinu u ranom djetinjstvu sačinjavaju njegovi roditelji i cjelokupna obitelj. U ovom radu naglasak je na majci, kao primarnom skrbniku te njezinoj ulozi u dječjem jezičnom razvoju. Urednom jezičnom razvoju djeteta pridonosi zdravo ostvarenje socioemocionalnih veza s okruženjem, posebno s majkom kao primarnim skrbnikom. Prikazan je utjecaj majčinih odluka u prenatalnom razdoblju djetetova života, koje se povratno odražavaju i na jezični razvoj djeteta. Tako se spominje utjecaj teratogena, prehrane, ali i specifičnih pojava, kao što je izloženost jeziku i glazbi, na dječji jezični razvoj. Zaključuje se da bez primjerene socio-emocionalne veze s majkom i bez odgovornog roditeljstva djetetu prijeti opasnost ne samo u području jezičnog razvoja već i u cjelokupnom razvoju i formiranju u zdravu osobu. Moć tog odnosa u velikoj mjeri definira djetetovu osobnost. Velik broj istraživanja u ovom području ukazuje na važnost čitanja, ali ne čitanja djeci, nego čitanja zajedno s djecom. Upravo u toj aktivnosti ostvaruje se harmonija socio-emocionalne veze između majke i djeteta te doprinos urednom jezičnom razvoju.
Abstract (english) The child's language development cannot be observed in isolation from other areas of his development. Confirming the previous statement, this paper emphasizes placement in children's language development, having previously emphasized the importance of social and emotional development. Children's language development is observed from the prenatal period to the sixth year of a child's life. Basic theories are made that try to explain the mentioned development. None of them individually explained this phenomenon in everything, nor does each one emphasize certain aspects important for understanding the complex phenomena of children's language development. Therefore, he necessarily approached children's language development in a multidisciplinary manner. Furthermore, the child's overall development cannot be observed in isolation from the environment in which it is grows up. Before leaving for preschool, the child's environment in early childhood consists of his parents and the whole family. In this paper, the emphasis is on mothers, as the primary caregiver and its role in children's language development. The orderly language development of the child was given a healthy realization of socio-emotional connections with the environment, especially with the mother as the primary caregiver. The influence of the mother's decisions in the prenatal period of the child's life is shown, which are reflected in the child's language development. Thus, the influence of teratogens, nutrition, but also a specific phenomenon, as exposed in language and music, on children's language development is mentioned. He concludes that without an appropriate socio-emotional connection with the mother and without the response of parenting the child is in danger not only in the field of language development but also in the overall development and formation into a healthy person. The power of relationships largely defines a child’s personality. A large body of research in this area shows the importance of reading, but not reading to children, but reading together with children. It is in this activity that they achieve the harmony of the socio-emotional connection between mother and child and contribute to orderly language development.
jezični razvoj
socio-emocionalna veza
Keywords (english)
language development
socio-emotional connection
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:273901
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-02-12 09:17:03