Abstract | Dijete je aktivna individua koja uči promatrajući, istražujući svijet oko sebe i oponašajući roditelje i radnje iz okoline u kojoj obitava. Waldorfska pedagogija s osnivačem Rudolfom Steinerom, nastoji obuhvatiti cijelo ljudsko biće, njegovo tijelo, duh i dušu kroz njegov odgoj i obrazovanje, poglavito u prvom sedmogodišnjem razdoblju. Rudolf Steiner postavio je temelje waldorfskoj pedagogiji, po čijem konceptu u Hrvatskoj trenutno djeluje pet vrtića, uz nekoliko redovnih dječjih vrtića koji su implementirali waldorfsku pedagogiju u svoj kurikulum. Waldorfski vrtić pruža djetetu mogućnost da uči i razvija se kroz igru i materijalne poticaje kojima se pridaje velika pozornost jer povoljno utječu na djetetov cjelokupni razvoj. Naime, prirodni materijali u waldorfskom vrtiću, bili oni oblikovani ili ne, potiču dječju kreativnost, maštu i razvoj osjetila prilikom njihove manipulacije. Vosak i glina pravi su primjer jer, osim što potiču razvoj mašte i kreativnosti kod djece, potiču i razvoj fine motorike, koja je u izravnoj vezi s razvojem mozga. Kroz ručno izrađene jednostavne lutke nastoji se izbjeći prikaz emocija kako bi se dijete potaknulo na razvoj kreativnosti i mašte. Djeca će tako izrađenim lutkama dati vlastiti smisao. Cijela koncepcija waldorfske pedagogije veliki značaj daje religiji, što se očituje u posebnom obilježavanju svetkovina i blagdana kroz cijelu godinu. Waldorfska pedagogija naglašava ulogu odgojitelja kroz emocionalno povezivanje s djetetom i kreiranje okoline koja će poticati dijete na korištenje svojih osjetila. Kada se govori o poticajima smatra se da suvremena tehnologija ometa dječji razvoj te je uklonjena iz djetetovog okruženja. Cilj ovoga rada je dati uvid u waldorfsku pedagogiju, kroz analiziranje literature koja naglašava osobitosti waldorfske koncepcije, s posebnim naglaskom na uređenje prostornomaterijalnog okruženja, odnosno uređenje i oblikovanje interijera i eksterijera, kao značajnog faktora koji utječe na cjelokupan razvoj djeteta rane i predškolske dobi. |
Abstract (english) | A child is an active individual being that learns by observing, exploring the surrounding world, and by mimicking parents in performing their tasks inside the common environment. Established by its founder Rudolf Steiner, Waldorf Pedagogy tries to encompass the entire human being, including his body, spirit and soul, in the process of child’s upbringing, primarily during the first seven years of child’s life. Rudolf Steiner established the foundations of Waldorf Pedagogy, which provides the basis for the operations of five kindergartens in Croatia, alongside several regular daycare centers, which have implemented the Waldorf Pedagogy in their curricula. A Waldorf kindergarten provides the child with an opportunity to learn and develop through games and physical stimuli, themselves given an enormous attention due to their favorable effect on the entire development of the child. Specifically, natural materials in the Waldorf kindergarten, whether they are molded or not, entice children’s creativity, imagination and sensory development during their handling. Vax and clay provide perfect examples, because these materials, besides encouraging the growth of imagination and creativity in children, stimulate the development of fine motor skills, themselves pertinent to the brain development. By utilizing simple hand-made play dolls, an attempt is made to avoid the display of emotions in order to encourage children to grow their own creativity and imagination. In such a way, children impart on the hand-made dolls the meaning they themselves have envisaged. The entire concept of Waldorf Pedagogy grants major importance to religion, which is manifested in the marking of festivities and holidays throughout the year. Waldorf Pedagogy highlights the role of the kindergarten teacher through the establishment of an emotional connection with a child and by creating an environment that would encourage the children to utilize their own senses. In lieu to stimuli, modern technologies are considered detrimental to the child’s development, and therefore removed from the child’s environment. The aim of this paper is to provide a useful insight into the Waldorf Pedagogy by the analysis of the literature emphasizing the particularities of the Waldorf concept, pertaining to the establishment of the spatial-material environment, with special emphasis on the importance of establishing and shaping both the interior and exterior is herein highlighted as a pertinent factor influencing the child’s entire development during the early and the preschool stage. |