Title Povijesni razvoj tehnika kolaža i asamblaža
Title (english) Historical development of collage and assemblage techniques
Author Antonija Marković
Mentor Antonija Balić-Šimrak (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Županić Benić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Morana Varović Čekolj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Antonija Balić-Šimrak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts
Abstract Kolaž i asamblaž slikarske su tehnike koje koriste raznovrsne materijale, koji su najčešće pronađeni u okolini. Kolaž nastaje kombiniranjem dvodimenzionalnih materijala, dok asamblaž nastaje montažom trodimenzionalnih i dvodimenzionalnih materijala (Šuvaković, 2005). Umjetnici često odabiru beskorisne i bezvrijedne predmete, iz svoje svakodnevice, za materijale koje će koristiti u kolažima i asamblažima. Zbog toga se kolaž i asamblaž povezuju s pojmom umjetnosti „otpada“, odnosno junk artom. Pronađeni i neoblikovani materijali su pristupačni i korisni za poticanje kreativnosti jer nisu sugestivni u smislu načina korištenja istih.
U vrtićkoj grupi je, pomoću pripremljenih aktivnosti, planirano potaknuti napredak u različitim dječjim razvojnim područjima. Međusobno povezane stavke čiji je napredak planiran su: divergentno mišljenje, stvaralačka kreativnost, vještine kombiniranja i nadogradnje materijala u prostoru, u sve tri dimenzije, koordinacija i preciznost u manipulaciji materijalima, suradnja među djecom te pozitivni odnos prema likovnom stvaralaštvu.
U dva prijepodneva, u područnom objektu dječjeg vrtića Trešnjevka, djeca u dobi od 4 do 5 godina sudjelovala su u pripremljenim aktivnostima. Tijekom četiri aktivnosti, djeca su stvorila pet asamblaža ogledala, šest asamblaža od neoblikovanih materijala bez korištenja vezivnih sredstava, asamblaž kofera i dva magnetna asamblaža.
Raznovrsnost i brojnost materijala neki su od činitelja koji su potaknuli djecu na slobodno istraživanje i eksperimentiranje u kombiniranju materijala, koje je rezultiralo vrlo kreativnim likovnim rješenjima. Vrtićka grupa odisala je ugodnom stvaralačkom atmosferom, djeca su bila zainteresirana za aktivnosti, puna kreativnosti i spremna na suradnju. Pomoću ovih aktivnosti ostvaren je napredak u različitim dječjim razvojnim područjima, odnosno, omogućen je cjeloviti razvoj djece. Stoga, vrlo je važno provoditi slične aktivnosti u vrtićkim grupama jer pozitivni su učinci na dječji razvoj brojni.
Abstract (english) A collage and an assemblage are pictorial techniques that use various materials, which are most often found in the surrounding. The collage is created by combining two-dimensional materials, while the assemblage is created by assembling three-dimensional and two-dimensional materials (Šuvaković, 2005). Artists often pick and choose useless and worthless items from their everyday lives as materials that they are going to use in collages and assemblages. Therefore, the collage and the assemblage are being associated with the concept of junk art. Found and loose materials are accessible and useful for boosting creativity because they are not suggestive regarding their usage.
In the kindergarten group, through prepared activities, it was planned to boost progress in various areas of children's development. Interrelated items, whose progress is planned, are divergent thinking, creativity, skills of combining and upgrading materials in space, in all of three dimensions, coordination and precision in manipulating materials, cooperation among children and a positive attitude towards art.
Throughout two forenoons, in the district facility of the kindergarten Trešnjevka, children aged 4 to 5 participated in prepared activities. During the four activities, children created five mirror assemblages, six assemblages made of loose materials without using any binder, a suitcase assemblage and two magnetic assemblages.
The variety and abundance of materials are some of the factors that encouraged children to freely explore and experiment with combining materials, which resulted in very creative artistic solutions. The kindergarten group exuded a pleasant and creative atmosphere, children were interested in activities, very creative and willing to cooperate. Through these activities, progress has been made in various areas of children’s development, that is, the holistic development of children has been enabled. Therefore, it is very important to do similar activities in kindergarten groups because of the numerous positive effects on children's development.
umjetnost „otpada“
neoblikovani materijali
razvojna područja
Keywords (english)
junk art
loose parts
development areas
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:207316
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-07-26 08:00:15