Abstract | Maria Montessori jedno je od najpopularnijih imena u povijesti predškolskog odgoja čije naslijeđe ne samo da mijenja ophođenje prema djetetu, već i samo viđenje djeteta kao takvog. Njoj je dijete bilo uzor, a izravnu poduku gledala je više kao prepreku, nego pomoć prirodnom razvoju ljudskog bića. Stoga je svoj život posvetila zastupanju dječjih prava i dokazivanju njegovih intelektualnih sposobnosti, smatrajući da su prve godine djetetova života temeljne za razvoj. Dijete tada polako postaje neovisno, uči manipulirati, hodati, govoriti, misliti i upravljati vlastitom voljom. Kako bi dokazala svoje teze, začela je posebni oblik pedagogije – Montessori pedagogiju čija je temeljna misao „Pomozi mi da to učinim sam.“. U ovoj pedagoškoj koncepciji, sve je podređeno djetetu, a u skladu s tim, pedagoška načela potiču dječju neovisnost. U svemu tome važnu ulogu igra i okolina, koja ne samo da nudi sredstva za rad, već potiče samostalnost, slobodu i kreativnost. Dio te okoline je i odgojitelj koji se prilagođava dječjim potrebama, trudeći se na njih odgovoriti, ali prije svega, dopustiti djetetu da samostalno gradi ličnost, samostalno odlučuje, nađe vlastiti ritam i postane neovisno. U skladu s karakteristikama Montessori pedagogije, u ovom radu dodatno se produbljuje usvajanje dječje samostalnosti u provođenju životno-praktičnih aktivnosti. |
Abstract (english) | Maria Montessori is one of the most popular names in the history of preschool education whose legacy not only changes the treatment of the child, but also just seeing the child as such. To her, the child was a role model, and she saw direct instruction more as an obstacle than an aid to the natural development of the human being. Therefore, she dedicated her life to advocating for children's rights and proving their intellectual abilities, believing that the first years of a child's life are fundamental to development. The child then slowly becomes independent, learning to manipulate, walk, speak, think and control his own will. In order to prove her theses, she started a special form of pedagogy - Montessori pedagogy, whose basic thought is "Help me to do it myself." In this pedagogical conception, everything is subordinate to the child, and accordingly, pedagogical principles encourage children’s independence. The environment also plays an important role in all this, which not only offers the means to work, but also encourages creativity, independence and freedom. Part of that environment is the educator who adapts to children's needs, trying to respond to them, but above all, to allow the child to build a personality, decide independently, find their own rhythm and become independent. In accordance with the characteristics of Montessori pedagogy, this paper further deepens the adoption of children's independence in the implementation of life-practical activities. |