Abstract | Ovaj rad ima za cilj dati prikaz o Montessori pedagogiji, a ona se definira kao alternativna pedagogija koja nastoji osamostaliti dijete te ga postavlja u primarni plan. U radu se navode glavna Montessori načela koja predstavljaju glavne pravce, čimbenike i metode za razvoj i širenje prethodno definirane pedagogije. Značajna načela koja navodi osnivačica teorije Maria Montessori su: poštovanje djeteta, osposobljavanje kretanja i osjetila, kako mišići pamte, polarizacija pažnje, slobodan izbor, pripremljena okolina, rad s materijalom, uloga odgojitelja i glavno načelo pedagogije Pomozi mi da to uradim sam. Također, u radu se ističu elementi koji čine Montessori metodu aktivnom i stvarnom, a to su: dijete i njegov razvoj, pripremljena okolina te uloga odgojitelja. Naime, opisuju se pojedina razdoblja tijekom kojeg se dijete razvija i izrasta te njegovo opažanje i djelovanje u okolini. U drugom dijelu rada govori se o važnosti djetetove okoline koja se treba kvalitetno i dobro opskrbiti i nadopuni kako bi dijete moglo samostalno i pažljivo učiti i razvijati se. Dijete se razvija i samostalno uči u pripremljenoj okolini uz pomoć odgojitelja koji je uvijek nazočan i aktivan. U radu se naglašava uloga odgojitelja, koja je općenito značajna u životu djeteta za njegov razvoj i učenje, a posebno u Montessori pedagogiji dodjeljuje značaj zato što je odgojitelj usmjerivač i pruža indirektnu pomoć. Montessori odgojitelji su važni u razvoju samostalnosti djeteta te imaju ulogu da opažaju razvoj i kvalitetno pripreme okolinu unutar koje se razvija samoučenje i samodjelovanje. |
Abstract (english) | This paper aims to give an account of Montessori pedagogy and it is defined as an alternative pedagogy that seeks to independent the child and places it in the primary plan. The child is in the foreground and respects it in its entirety, and during the implementation of Montessori work, independence and discipline develops, which are important for the entire
procedure. The paper lists the main Montessori principles that represent the main directions, factors and methods for the development and expansion of predefined pedagogy. Significant principles stated by the founder of the theory Maria Montessori are: respect for the child, training of movement and senses, how muscles remember, polarization of attention, free choice, prepared environment, work with material, the role of educators and the main principle of pedagogy Help me to do it myself. Also, the paper highlights the elements that make the Montessori method active and real, namely: the child and his development, the prepared environment and the role of the educator. Namely, it describes the individual periods during
which the child develops and grows and his perception and action in the environment. In the second part of the work, we talk about the importins of the child's environment, which needs to be well and well supplied to you and supplemented so that the child can learn and develop independently and carefully. The child develops and independently learns in the prepared environment with the help of an educator who is always present and active. The paper emphasizes in the logo of the educator, which is generally significant in the life of the child for his development and learning, and especially in Montessori pedagogy assigns significance because the educator is a router and provides indirect assistance. Montessori educators are important in the development of the independence of the child and have a role to observe the development and quality of preparing the environment within which self-learning and selfparticipation develops. |