Abstract | Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati kakvi su odgojni postupci roditelja prema dimenzijama dobrobiti PERMA modela. Kao teorijski okvir za rad korišten je PERMA model (Seligman, 2011) iz pozitivne psihologije čiji je kreator Martin Seligman. Istraživanje je provedeno kvaliativnom metodom, a tehnika koja je korištena jest polustrukturirani intervju. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 13 roditelja, odnosno pet roditeljskih parova te tri majke, s različitim brojem i dobi djece. U intervjuu se ispitivalo kakvi su odgojni postupci roditelja gledajući kroz dimenzije modela PERMA. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja konstruirana su pitanja koja su obuhvatila sve dimenzije iz PERMA modela, zatim su se provodili intervjui s roditeljima koji su na njihovo odobrenje snimani, potom su pohranjeni pod šiframa te su na kraju u cijelosti transkribirani. Rezultati ovog istraživanja u skladu su s postavljenim teorijskim okvirom, odnosno pokazali su da je svih pet komponenti PERMA modela prisutno kod roditelja. Od svih komponenti može se istaknuti komponenta angažiranosti u kojoj se nastojalo ispitati zanesenost, tj. postoje li situacije ili aktivnosti u koje su u potpunosti uronjeni sa djecom. Iako se roditelji pronađu zaneseni u određenu aktivnost, navode kako je to rijetko ili se teško postiže, pogotovo kod onih roditelja koji imaju više djece. S obzirom na dobivene rezultate, može se zaključiti da prisustvo dobrobiti u životu roditelja i odgoju svakako djeluje dobro na njih same, ali isto tako djeluje dobro i na njihovu djecu jer samim time postoje veće mogućnosti da će i djeca usvojiti iste obrasce ponašanja kao i njihovi roditelji. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this paper was to examine what parental educational procedures are according to the dimensions of the wellbeing of the PERMA model. The PERMA model (Seligman, 2011) from positive psychology, created by Martin Seligman, was used as a theoretical framework for the this paper work. The study was carried out using a qualitative method, and the technique that was used is a semi-structured interview. The study involved 13 parents, five couples, and three mothers, with different ages and numbers of children. The interview examined the parents’ parenting procedures by observing through the dimensions of the PERMA model. For the purpose of this research, questions were constructed that covered all dimensions from the PERMA model, then interviews were conducted with parents which were recorded with their approval, then stored under codes and finally fully transcribed. The results of this study are in accordance with the established theoretical framework, respectively they showed that all five components of the PERMA model are present in parents. Of all components, the engagement component that sought to test enthusiasm, respectively whether there are situations or activities in which they are completely immersed with children, can be highlighted. Although parents find themselves enthusiastic about a certain activity, they say it is rare or difficult to achieve that state, especially among parents who have more children. In view of the results obtained, it can be concluded that the presence of well-being in parents' lives and upbringing certainly works well for themselves, but it also works well for their children, as thus there are greater possibilities for children to adopt the same patterns of behaviour as their parents. |