Title Dječje likovne aktivnosti u dobno mješovitim skupinama
Title (english) Children's art activities in mixed age groups
Author Melani Varga
Mentor Kristina Horvat Blažinović (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Gagić Kičinbači (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Horvat Blažinović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Morana Varović Čekolj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts Art Education
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Early Childhood and Preschool Pedagogy
Abstract Ovaj rad navodi i opisuje dobno mješovite skupine te karakteristike organiziranja i provođenja likovnih aktivnosti u istima. Katz i suradnici (1991) opisuju dobno mješovite skupine kao skupine u kojima su grupirana djeca među kojom postoji jedna godina razlike u dobi. Rad u takvim skupinama zahtjeva kvalitetnu educiranost i kompetentnost odgojitelja u poznavanju likovnog odgoja i likovnog jezika djece rane i predškolske dobi kako bi mogli osigurati i omogućiti jednake mogućnosti djeci različite dobi i podržati njihov cjelokupni razvoj unutar skupine.
U ovom radu prikazane su likovne aktivnosti provedene u dobno mješovitoj skupini koju polaze djeca od 3. do 7. godine života. U provedenim aktivnostima vidljivi su elementi i faze razvoja dječjeg likovnog izraza te specifičnosti provođenja likovnih aktivnosti u dobno mješovitim skupinama.
Nadalje, ovim su se radom nastojala ispitati mišljenja i iskustva odgojitelja u radu s djecom dobno mješovitih skupina. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi, prema mišljenju odgojitelj, razlike organiziranja i provođenja likovnih aktivnosti u dobno mješovitim skupinama u odnosu na homogene skupine te utvrditi razlike u ponašanju djece tijekom likovnih aktivnosti u dobno mješovitim skupinama u odnosu na homogene skupine. U istraživanje je uključeno dvanaest odgojitelja s područja Međimurske županije, a mjerni instrument koji je korišten jest anketni upitnik. Potvrđene su prva i treća hipoteza u kojima odgojitelji ističu ulogu planiranja aktivnosti u skladu s razvojnim potrebama u dobno mješovitim skupinama kao najrazličitiju u odnosu na homogene skupine te odgojitelji uočavaju razvijenija socijalna ponašanja (suradnja, prosocijalna ponašanja) kod djece u dobno mješovitim skupinama u odnosu na homogene skupine. Odbačena je druga hipoteza jer odgojitelji ne uočavaju značajnije razlike u odabiru teme, motiva, tehnike i motivacije u dobno mješovitim skupinama u odnosu na homogene skupine. Također, odgojitelji ne uočavaju značajnije razlike u organizaciji i provođenju likovnih aktivnosti u dobno mješovitim skupinama u odnosu na homogene skupine, no uočavaju razlike u ponašanju djece čime je glavna hipoteza djelomično potvrđena.
Abstract (english) This paper states and describes age-mixed groups and the characteristics of organizing and conducting art activities in them. Katz et al. (1991) describe mixed-age groups as groups in which children with a one-year age difference are grouped together. Working with such groups requires high-quality education and competence of educators in the knowledge of art education and the art language of children of early and preschool age in order to be able to provide and enable equal opportunities for children of different ages and support their overall development within the group.
This paper presents art activities conducted in a mixed-age group attended by children from 3 to 7 years of age. The elements and stages of the development of children's artistic expression and the specifics of performing art activities in mixed age groups are visible in the activities carried out.
Furthermore, this work tried to examine the opinions and experiences of educators in working with children of mixed age groups. The goal of this research is to determine, according to the educator, the differences in organizing and conducting art activities in age-mixed groups compared to homogeneous groups, and to determine the differences in children's behavior during art activities in age-mixed groups compared to homogeneous groups. Twelve educators from Međimurje County were included in the research, and the measuring instrument used was a survey questionnaire. The first and third hypotheses were confirmed, in which educators emphasize the role of planning activities in accordance with developmental needs in age-mixed groups as the most different compared to homogeneous groups, and educators observe more developed social behaviors (cooperation, prosocial behaviors) in children in age-mixed groups compared to homogeneous groups. The second hypothesis was rejected because educators do not notice significant differences in the choice of topic, motive, technique and motivation in age-mixed groups compared to homogeneous groups. Also, educators do not notice significant differences in the organization and conduction of art activities in age-mixed groups compared to homogeneous groups, but they notice differences in children's behavior, which partially confirms the main hypothesis.
dobno mješovita skupina
djeca rane i predškolske dobi
likovna aktivnost
iskustvo odgojitelja
Keywords (english)
mixed age group
children of early and preschool age
art activity
experience of educators
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:066857
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-01-15 11:10:21