Title Stres kod odgojitelja u radu s djecom jasličke dobi
Title (english) Stress in educators working with nursery age children
Author Gabrijela Markulinčić
Mentor Tajana Ljubin Golub (mentor)
Committee member Lana Jurčec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Martina Gajšek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tajana Ljubin Golub (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Psychology of Work
Abstract Pojam stresa pronalazimo u svim profesijama pa tako i u odgojiteljskoj. Stres je naziv koji objašnjava reakciju organizma na stresore odnosno agense iz okoline koji djeluju na funkcioniranje organizma. Odgojiteljski posao vrlo je specifičan i dinamičan, što zahtjeva visoku razinu prilagodljivosti i emocionalnog nošenja u nepredvidivim situacijama, koje nas mogu pogoditi ne samo kao profesionalne osobe, nego i na osobnoj razini. Upravo u takvim situacijama dolazi do izražaja odgojiteljeva
... More profesionalnost, pribranost i racionalnost. Sami polazak djeteta u jaslice izrazito je stresan za dijete, roditelja, ali i odgojitelja. Odgojitelji koji se maksimalno daju u svoj posao, skloniji su stresnim situacijama, te dugoročno djelovanje stresa može stvoriti tjelesne, psihičke i socijalne posljedice. Negativna ponašanja i stres odgojitelja mogu dovesti do pojave sindroma sagorijevanja koji može postati vrlo ozbiljan ako se uzrok stresa ne prepozna na vrijeme, odnosno ako se pravovremeno ne otkloni. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je istražiti i napraviti uvid u izvore stresa kod odgojitelja djece jasličke dobi. Nadalje, cilj je i istražiti koliko pojedini izvori stresa utječu na odgojitelje te koje posljedice ostavljaju na njima. Korištena metoda za istraživanje bila je fokus grupa i online istraživanje putem Google obrasca. Uzorak istraživanja sačinjavao je 308 odgojitelja zaposlenih u dječjim vrtićima, a koji rade u jaslicama. Prosječno iskustvo rada u jaslicama iznosilo je pet godina. Najveći stresori koje su odgojiteljice iskazale bili su vezani uz zdravlje i sigurnost djece jasličke dobi. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja pridonijet će boljem razumijevanju odgojiteljskog posla i specifičnih izvora stresa za njihovo radno okruženje. Oni pomažu u daljnjim mogućnostima razvoja mjera prepoznavanja izvora stresa na poslu, njihove prevencije i njihova rješenja. Less
Abstract (english) The concept of stress can be found in all professions, including in education. Stress is the name that explains the organism's reaction to stress, that is, environmental agencies that affect the functioning of the organism. The work of an educator is very specific and dynamic; therefore, it requires a high level of adaptability and emotional bearing in unpredictable situations, which can affect us not only as professionals, but also on a personal level. It is precisely in such
... More situations that the educator's professionalism, composure, and rationality come to the fore. Leaving a child alone to nursery school is extremely stressful for the child, the parents, and the educator. Educators who put as much effort into their work are prone to stressful situations, and the long-term effect of stress can create physical, psychological, and social consequences. Negative behavior and stress of educators can lead to the appearance of burnout syndrome, which can become very serious if the cause of stress is not recognized in time, or if it is not eliminated in a timely manner. The aim of this diploma thesis is to investigate and gain insight into the sources of stress in kindergarten teachers. Furthermore, the goal is to investigate how certain sources of stress affect educators and what consequences they leave on them. The research method used was a focus group and an online survey via a Google form. The research sample consisted of 308 educators employed in kindergartens, who work in nurseries. The average experience of working in nurseries was five years. The most intensive stressors were those related to the health and safety of children of nursery age. The obtained research results will contribute to a better understanding of the work of educators and specific sources of stress for their working environment. They help in the further development of measures to identify sources of stress at work, their prevention, and their solutions. Less
odgojiteljska profesija
stres kod odgojitelja
izvori stresa u radu u jaslicama
Keywords (english)
preschool teacher's profession
preschool teacher's stress
sources of stress in nursery
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:995764
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-01-16 11:29:24