Abstract | Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je istražiti povezanost ciljnih orijentacija, samoučinkovitosti, zadovoljstva poslom i izgaranja tijekom rada u klasičnoj i virtualnoj učionici s fokusom na posredujuću ulogu samoučinkovitosti između ciljnih orijentacija i zadovoljstva poslom i izgaranja na poslu hrvatskih učitelja razredne i predmetne nastave. Desetljećima se odgojnoobrazovni rad ostvarivao u klasičnim učionicama, ali posljednjih godina virtualne učionice postale su sve popularnije i nužnije, osobito tijekom pandemije COVID-19. Virtualne učionice postaju okruženja učenja i poučavanja u kojima učitelj i učenici fizički nisu na istom mjestu, a učenje se odvija virtualno, pomoću digitalne tehnologije na platformama.
U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 445 učitelja razredne i predmetne nastave iz područja cijele Republike Hrvatske. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da su učiteljice samoučinkovitije i zadovoljnije sadržajem posla od učitelja u klasičnoj učionici, u virtualnoj učionici imaju izraženiju ciljnu orijentaciju na učenje, ali pokazuju i veću razinu izgaranja na poslu. Učitelji razredne nastave imaju veću samoučinkovitost, zadovoljniji su sadržajem posla te pokazuju manju razinu izgaranja u klasičnoj i virtualnoj učionici od učitelja predmetne nastave. U klasičnoj učionici učitelji s više od 30 godina radnog staža značajno su zadovoljniji sadržajem posla i imaju manju razinu izgaranja na poslu od učitelja koji imaju od 11 do 20 godina staža. Analiza uzorka učitelja razredne i predmetne nastave pokazuje različite faktore koji utječu na zadovoljstvo sadržajem posla i izgaranje. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je samoučinkovitost značajni medijator između ciljne orijentacije i zadovoljstva sadržajem posla te izgaranja na poslu. |
Abstract (english) | Fast social changes impose a need for continuous learning and constant adaptation to new situations on teachers. For that reason, self-efficacy and goals that encourage teachers to learn and that affect their job satisfaction are very important. The relationship between goal orientations, self-efficacy, job satisfaction and work burnout are studied a lot, but research that would study their relationships and changes in a virtual environment, or compare them in both traditional and virtual environment is still missing. The goal of this research was to study the relationship between goal orientations, self-efficacy, job satisfaction and work burnout during working in traditional and virtual classroom, with a focus on the mediating role of self-efficacy between goal orientations, self-efficacy and work burnout among Croatian teachers in primary education (first 8 years of education), which includes teachers teaching all classes in the first four years of education and those teaching subject classes in the following four years. Research so far has shown a positive correlation between high level of self-efficacy and job satisfaction (Kasalak i Dagyar, 2020), and a negative relationship with work burnout (Skaalvik i Skaalvik,
2014). Teacher's goal orientations that are directed towards developing, implementing and demonstrating the capacity, skill and competency to teach are positively correlated with selfefficacy (VandeWalle, 1997), and goal orientations of avoiding implementation appear because of fear of failure (Mesić i Topolovčan, 2016). For decades, education has been carried out in traditional classrooms; however, in recent years, virtual classrooms have become increasingly popular and necessary, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual classroom has become a teaching and learning environment where teachers and students are not physically present at the same place, and where learning takes place online through digital technology. During virtual teaching, a higher level of self-efficacy and a better adaptation was demonstrated by teachers that have some experience in applying digital technologies (Baroudi i sur., 2022; Dolighan i Owen, 2021) and in using modern, online methods (Szabó i sur., 2022). These results go in favor of practical implications of this work that talk about the importance of good preparation of teachers to design online teaching, but also about the need of having digital competencies and a high level of self-efficacy and focus on developing goal orientations for teaching.
445 teachers in primary education from across the Republic of Croatia participated in this research. The results of the research indicate that the female teachers have a higher level of selfefficacy and job satisfaction than male teachers in traditional classrooms, while in the virtual classroom, they have a more evident goal orientation for teaching, but also show a higher levelof work burnout. Male teachers, teaching all subjects in the first four years of primary education, have a higher level of self-efficacy and job satisfaction, and have shown lower level of work burnout in both traditional and virtual classroom than teachers who teach separate subjects in years 5 to 8. In traditional classrooms, teachers with more than 30 years of work experience have a significantly higher level of job satisfaction and have a lower level of burnout than teachers who have 11 to 20 years of experience. Analysis of the sample of teachers used in this research shows different factors that affect their level of job satisfaction and burnout. The results of this research indicate that self-efficacy plays a significant mediator role between goal orientation, job satisfaction and work burnout.
The results obtained in this research could also encourage studying mechanisms that could increase the level of self-efficacy and goal orientation of teachers for successful use of virtual classrooms that are more often the teaching environment. The results also demonstrate the need for professional training for teachers when it comes to having digital competencies, high level of self-efficacy and orientation on developing goal orientations for teaching. Furthermore, the results of this research could help with designing the curriculum for the mentioned training of teachers in the virtual environment. |