Title Motivacija i uključenost učenika u učenje matematike pri prijelazu iz nižih u više razrede osnovne škole
Title (english) Motivation and Engagement in Learning Mathematics: Transition from lower to higher grades of Elementary School
Author Veronika Jandrilović
Mentor Daria Rovan (mentor)
Mentor Dubravka Glasnović-Gracin (sumentor)
Committee member Marina Gabelica (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Daria Rovan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dubravka Glasnović-Gracin (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-07-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology School Psychology and the Psychology of Education
Abstract Motivacija za učenje matematike, koja uključuje subjektivnu vrijednost nastavnog predmeta i očekivanja uspjeha, prema teoriji samodeterminacije osnažuje se kroz stilove poučavanja koji promiču autonomiju, omogućujući učenicima veću kontrolu nad vlastitim učenjem. Uključenost učenika u matematičko učenje manifestira se kroz različite dimenzije - bihevioralnu, kognitivnu, emocionalnu i proaktivnu, koje zajedno doprinose dubljem razumijevanju i pozitivnim emocijama prema predmetu. Važno je
... More istaknuti da obrazovne tranzicije dodatno oblikuju učeničko iskustvo učenja matematike, imajući značajan utjecaj na njihovu motivaciju i angažman u tom području. Stoga, ovim istraživanjem željelo se utvrditi kako se motivacija za učenje matematike i uključenost u učenje mijenjaju tijekom prijelaza iz nižih u više razrede osnovne škole te kako su ti faktori povezani s percepcijom stila poučavanja matematike. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 183 učenika četvrtih razreda i 205 učenika petih razreda osnovne škole. Učenici su popunjavali upitnik koji je obuhvatio skale za procjenu očekivanja uspjeha i vrijednosti, skale za procjenu percepcije stila poučavanja, te skale za bihevioralne, kognitivne i proaktivne uključenosti u učenje matematike. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na značajnu varijabilnost u motivaciji i uključenosti učenika u učenje matematike. Učenici pokazuju visoku motivaciju za uspjeh, bihevioralnu i kognitivnu uključenost te percepciju da ih učitelji potiču na razumijevanje, interes i neovisno mišljenje uz ograničene mogućnosti izbora i nisku razinu intruzivnosti. T-test pokazuje statistički značajne razlike između 4. i 5. razreda, pri čemu učenici 4. razreda imaju viša očekivanja uspjeha, percepciju vrijednosti matematike i veću bihevioralnu uključenost. Također, poticanje razumijevanja, interesa i neovisnog mišljenja je veće, a intruzivnost manja kod učenika 4. razreda. Pearsonov koeficijent korelacije ukazuje na značajne pozitivne korelacije između motivacije za učenje matematike i različitih oblika uključenosti, te između poticanja razumijevanja, interesa i neovisnog mišljenja s motivacijom i uključenosti učenika. Intruzivnost i suzbijanje neovisnog mišljenja su negativno povezani s ovim faktorima. Pružanje izbora pozitivno korelira s motivacijom i uključenosti, potvrđujući važnost autonomije. Less
Abstract (english) Motivation for learning mathematics, which includes the subjective value of the teaching subject and expectations of success, according to self-determination theory, is strengthened through teaching styles that promote autonomy, enabling students greater control over their own learning. Student engagement in learning mathematics is manifested through different dimensions - behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and proactive - which together contribute to deeper understanding and positive
... More emotions towards the subject. It is important to note that educational transitions further shape students' learning experiences in mathematics, significantly influencing their motivation and engagement in that area. Therefore, this research aimed to determine how motivation for learning mathematics and engagement in learning change during the transition from lower to upper grades of elementary school and how these factors are associated with the perception of teaching style in mathematics. The study involved 183 fourth-grade students and 205 fifth-grade students from elementary school. Students completed a questionnaire that included scales for assessing expectations of success and subjective values, perception of teaching style, and behavioral, cognitive, and proactive engagement in learning mathematics. The research results indicate significant variability in students' motivation and engagement in learning mathematics. Students demonstrate high motivation for success, behavioral and cognitive engagement, and perceive that teachers encourage understanding, interest, and independent thinking with limited choice options and a low level of intrusiveness. The t-test shows statistically significant differences between 4th and 5th grades, with 4th-grade students having higher expectations of success, perception of the value of mathematics, and greater behavioral engagement. Additionally, the encouragement of understanding, interest, and independent thinking is higher, and intrusiveness is lower among 4th-grade students. Pearson's correlation coefficient indicates significant positive correlations between motivation for learning mathematics and various forms of engagement, and between the encouragement of understanding, interest, and independent thinking with students' motivation and engagement. Intrusiveness and the suppression of independent thinking are negatively associated with these factors. Providing choice positively correlates with motivation and engagement, confirming the importance of autonomy. Less
uključenost učenika u učenje
obrazovna tranzicija
Keywords (english)
engagement in learning
educational transition
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:565991
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-09-30 11:35:30