Abstract | U ovom je radu prikazana promjena perspektive seksualnosti putem povijesnih činjenica, društvenih događanja, pobuna i revolucija, istraživanja koja su imala veliki učinak na razmišljanja o ljudskoj seksualnosti. Ovaj rad se ponajviše bavi ispitivanjem stavova mladih, kako oni promatraju seksualnost danas, imaju li vanjski čimbenici, poput političkih struja ili okoline u kojoj se kreću učinak na njihove stavove te naziru li se neka postmoderna obilježja seksualnosti, poput pojma fluidne seksualnosti, permisivnosti ili prihvaćanje novih seksualnih identiteta kao odraz višeg stupnja demokratičnosti. Putem ankete ispitali su se stavovi studenata grada Zagreba s različitih studija i sveučilišta. Uzorak nije reprezentativne naravi, ali sama struktura rada i ideja obogatit će buduća istraživanja koja se budu provodila vezano uz temu seksualnosti. Pitanja u anketi postavljena su od općih prema specifičnima. Primjerice, demografska obilježja ispitanika i opće definicije seksualnosti te znanstveno područje studija nalaze se na samom početku ankete. Ostala pitanja provjeravaju liberalne i konzervativne stavove putem politike, gospodarstva i društvenog napretka. I u trećem dijelu upitnika ispituju se stavovi i ponašanja ispitanika vezanih uz seksualnost. Rezultati su većinom potvrdili postavljene hipoteze koje pokazuju da se ipak u većoj mjeri podudaraju stavovi i životni stilovi studenata, da postoji razlika u stavovima između ispitanika i ispitanica te da u određenoj mjeri postoji povezanost između stavova okoline i stavova studenata. Zanimljiv podatak za istaknuti jest svakako to da su žene liberalnije u odnosu na muškarce te da u većoj mjeri mladi ne smatraju da prihvaćanjem novih seksualnih identiteta država posjeduje veći stupanj demokracije. Zaključno, mogu se nazrijeti neka postmoderna obilježja seksualnosti poput seksualne permisivnosti, ali fluidna seksualnost i povezanost stupnja demokratičnosti i novih seksualnih identiteta još nisu zaživjele u mentalitetu mladih. |
Abstract (english) | In this work, the changing perspective of sexuality is presented through historical facts, social events, rebellions and revolutions, research that had a great effect on thinking about human sexuality. This paper mainly deals with examining the attitudes of young people, how they view sexuality today, whether external factors, such as political currents or the environment in which they move, have an effect on their attitudes, and whether any postmodern characteristics of sexuality are visible, such as the concept of fluid sexuality, permissiveness or acceptance of new sexual identities as a reflection of a higher degree of democracy. Through a survey, the attitudes of Zagreb students from various studies and universities were examined. The sample is not representative in nature, but the very structure of the work and ideas will enrich future research that will be conducted related to the topic of sexuality. The questions in the survey were asked from general to specific. For example, demographic characteristics of respondents and general definitions of sexuality and scientific field of study are found at the very beginning of the survey. Other questions test liberal and conservative attitudes through politics, the economy and progress. In the third part of the questionnaire, the respondents' attitudes and behaviors related to sexuality are examined. The results mostly confirmed the set hypotheses, which show that the attitudes and lifestyles of the students coincide to a greater extent, that there is a difference in the attitudes between male and female respondents, and that there is to some extent a connection between the attitudes of the environment and the attitudes of students. An interesting fact to point out is certainly that women are more liberal than men, and that to a greater extent young people do not think that by accepting new sexual identities, the state possesses a higher degree of democracy. In conclusion, some postmodern characteristics of sexuality such as sexual permissiveness can be glimpsed, but fluid sexuality and the connection between the level of democracy and new sexual identities have not yet taken root in the mentality of young people. |