Title Psihološki utjecaj dizajna na percepciju potrošača
Title (english) Psychological impact of design on consumer perception
Author Ivy Čurik
Mentor Krunoslav Hajdek (mentor)
Committee member Dean Valdec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Krunoslav Hajdek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Robert Geček (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Multimedia, Design and Application) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2020-09-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Graphic Technology Processes of Graphic Reproduction
Abstract Primarna funkcija marketinga je prepoznavanje potrebe i želje potrošača, kako bi im se ponudili proizvodi koji će ih zadovoljiti i pružiti im pozitivno iskustvo. Psihologija pomaže marketingu da bolje shvati ponašanje potrošača, način na koji percipiraju određeni proizvod ili uslugu, te čimbenike koji utječu na donošenje odluke o kupnji. Istraživanje navedenog, dovodi do razumijevanja na koji način potrošači djeluju, te se tim saznanjem može prilagoditi određena marketinška strategija kako bi što učinkovitije ostvarila svoje ciljeve. Dizajn ima veliku ulogu u svijetu marketinga. Svojim pravilima i načelima, tvori alat koji oblikuje komunikaciju prema potrošačima. Cilj mu je privući što veći broj potencijalnih kupaca, te istovremeno potaknuti znatiželju, koja dovodi do preispitivanja njihovih želja i potreba, kako bi se u konačnici ostvario željeni rezultat. Dizajnom se na razumljiv, jednostavan i pamtljiv način prenosi željena poruka. Istovremeno kvalitetnom i promišljenom izvedbom, on izdvaja reklamirani proizvod, uslugu ili tvrtku od konkurencije. Kako bi se tvrtka istaknula, oglašavanje se treba odvijati preko različitih kanala komunikacije koji uključuju tiskane i digitalne medije. U konačnici je važno pružiti potrošaču zadovoljstvo, pozitivno iskustvo i time oblikovati njegovu percepciju. Stvaranjem veze između proizvoda ili marke sa kupcem, kupac postaje lojalan i uvijek se iznova vraća istom proizvodu. Problem nastaje kod pojedinih marketinških tvrtki, koje podliježu manipulativnim akcijama kako bi utjecale na potrošače. U današnje vrijeme potrošači su najviše izloženi manipulacijama koje se odvijaju upravo kroz oglašavanje.
Abstract (english) The primary function of marketing is to recognize the needs and desires of consumers, to offer them products that will both satisfy and provide them with a positive experience. Psychology helps marketers better understand consumer behavior, the way they perceive a particular product or service, and the factors that influence a purchasing decision. Research into the above leads to an understanding of how consumers act, and with this knowledge a certain marketing strategy can be adjusted in order to achieve their goals as effectively as possible. Design plays a big role in the world of marketing. With its rules and principles, it creates a tool that shapes communication to consumers. Its goal is to attract as many potential customers as possible, and at the same time stimulate curiosity, which leads to a re-examination of their wishes and needs, to ultimately achieve the desired result. The design conveys the desired message in an understandable, simple and memorable way. At the same time with quality and thoughtful performance, it sets the advertised product, service or company apart from the competition. In order for a company to stand out, advertising needs to take place through a variety of communication channels that include print and digital media. Ultimately, it is important to provide the consumer with satisfaction, a positive experience and shape his perception. By creating a connection between a product or brand with the customer, he becomes loyal and always returns to the same product. The problem arises when individual marketing companies use manipulation to influence consumers. Nowadays, consumers are most exposed to the manipulations that occurs through advertising.
potrošačko ponašanje
odluka o kupnji
Keywords (english)
consumer behavior
purchase decision
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:078872
Study programme Title: Multimedia Science Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka grafičke tehnologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-10-23 12:05:14