Title Etička pitanja odnosa medija i PR-a
Title (english) Ethical issues of the relationship between media and PR
Author Klara Paljug
Mentor Tvrtko Jolić (mentor)
Committee member Darijo Čerepinko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tvrtko Jolić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Lesinger (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North (University centre Varaždin) (Department of Communicology and Public Relations) Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2022-04-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Public Relations
Abstract Mediji su glavni nositelji informacije i samim time osnovni kanal komuniciranja organizacije s javnosti. Odnos s medijima je danas temeljna vještina odnosa s javnošću, koja se razlikuje od svih ostalih komunikacijskih disciplina. Iako ostale vještine stručnjaka odnosa s javnošću, poput organizacije događanja, vođenja digitalnih platformi i profila na društvenim mrežama, promocije i oglašavanja, nude slične rezultate, ipak se informacija koja dolazi iz druge ruke, odnosno iz glavnog kanala
... More informiranja - medija, smatra najrelevantnijom. Samim time, PR stručnjaci su ti koji su zaduženi za privlačenje pažnje medija, dirigiranje ritma u kojem će mediji izvještavati o njihovoj organizaciji ili pak za pravdanje štetne informacije koja je dospjela u medije. Ako odnose s medijima izuzmemo iz odnosa s javnošću, organizaciji ne preostaje mnogo opcija za dobar odnos s javnostima. S druge strane, odnos medija i PR-a nije jednosmjeran. Koliko PR stručnjaci ovise o medijima, toliko su oni od vitalnog značenja za medije. Oni su prvi, direktni i najbrži izvor informacija za novinare i reportere, a danas je brzina prikupljanja informacija ključan dio medija. U ovom radu istražit ćemo kakva je točno povezanost medija i odnosa s javnošću te utječe li sve veća potreba za brzinom i količinom odaslanih informacija na etičke norme tih dvaju struka, kose li se ili međusobno nadopunjuju. Less
Abstract (english) The media are the main carriers of information and thus the basic channel of communication of the organization with the public. Media relations today are a fundamental skill of public relations, which differs from all other communication disciplines. Although other skills of public relation professionals, such as organizing events, running digital platforms and social media profiles, promotion and advertising, offer similar results, second-hand information from the main information
... More channel, the media, is considered most relevant. Therefore, PR experts are in charge of attracting media attention, conducting the rhythm in which the media will report on their organization or justifying harmful information that has reached the media. If we exclude media relations from public relations, the organization does not have many options for good public relations. On the other hand, the relationship between the media and PR is not one-way. As much as PR professionals depend on the media, so much are they vital to the media. They are the first, direct and fastest source of information for journalists and reporters, and today the speed of gathering information is a key part of the media. In this paper, we will research the exact connection between the media and public relations and whether the growing need for speed and amount of information transmitted affects the ethical norms of these two professions, whether they are oblique or complementary. Less
etičke norme
odnosi s javnošću
Keywords (english)
ethical norms
public relations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:473810
Study programme Title: Public Relations Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra odnosa s javnostima (magistar/magistra odnosa s javnostima)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2022-06-02 15:06:20