Title Upravljanje poduzećem u dinamičkoj okolini: Korporativno građanstvo kao izazov vodstva
Title (english) Governance system in Dinamic Enviroment: Corporate citizenship as a challenge to leadership
Author Marko Mašović
Mentor Tea Golja (mentor)
Committee member Tamara Floričić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tea Golja (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Iva Slivar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2018-03-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Korporativno upravljanje je sustav nadzornih mehanizama kojima se osigurava da menadžeri svih razina rade u interesu poduzeća i svih dionika poduzeća, da manjinski dioničari nisu u nezavidnom položaju u odnosu na dioničare koji nadziru rad poduzeća te uspostava učinkovitog sustava kontrole poslovanja. Dionici, odnosno ljudi, sastavni su dio poduzeća i njegove okoline te briga o njima postaje bitan dio poslovanja i rasta poduzeća. Kako bi se mogla prilagođavati okolini, bitno je za organizacije imati kvalitetan odnos s dionicima te im isti pomažu smanjiti nesigurnosti i olakšati potrebne promjene. Poduzeća moraju ići u korak s promjenama u okolini, kako unutarnjoj tako i vanjskoj, te je najbolji način za to društveno odgovorno poslovanje preko kojega se dolazi do mnogih krucijalnih informacija i novih resursa.
Korporacija je oblik poslovanja u kojem veliki broj ljudi zajedno ulaže kapital te time postaju dioničari, a rizik se dijeli na više ljudi. One u današnje vrijeme postaju, odnosno postale su, jače i od država samih te je potrebna kontrola istih kako ne bi zanemarile brigu u društvu u potpunosti. Kako su i one same dijelovi društva cilj bi im trebao biti postati korporativni građanin, odnosno usvojiti na najvišim razinama poduzeća strategijski pristup pomoću kojega će integrirati sve aktivnosti i operacije kojima će služiti društvu. Može se reći da je korporativno građanstvo nekakva nadogradnja na društveno odgovorno poslovanje, odnosno podrazumijeva se provođenje istog planski kroz cijelo poduzeće i njegova evaluacija.
Cilj ovoga rada je pokazati prednosti društveno odgovornog poslovanja u poslovanju poduzeća, odnosno istaknuti da je na dugi rok ono jedina šansa da poduzeća i društvo u cjelini opstanu, odnosno ukazati na isprepletenost pojmova poduzeća i društva koji ne mogu jedno bez drugog.
Abstract (english) Corporate governance is a system of supervisory mechanisms that allows managers at all levels to work in the best interest of companies and its stakeholders, as well as ensuring that the minority shareholders are not in an indifferent position vis-à-vis the shareholders that control the business of the company and establishing an effective business control system. Since stakeholders, that is people, are an integral part of the company and its environment, people operations become an essential part of business and business growth. In order to adapt to the environment, it is important for organizations to have a good relationship with stakeholders to help them reduce uncertainties and facilitate the necessary changes. The companies should keep up with the changes that occur in the environment, both internally and externally, and the best way for achieving that is engaging in corporate social responsibility which is crucial for acquiring new information and resources. Corporation is a form of business in which a large number of people invest capital together and thus become shareholders, sharing risk among more people. The corporations have become stronger than the state; therefore it is necessary to control them so that the society does not get neglected. Since corporations are forms of society, they should aim at becoming corporate citizens, adopting strategic approach at the highest levels of corporations that will allow them to integrate all the activities and operations that will serve the society. In other words, corporate citizenship is an upgrade to the corporate social responsibility and it is suggested that it should be integrated and evaluated in the companies. This thesis aims at showing advantages of the corporate social responsibility, that is, pointing out that in the long run, the corporate social responsibility is the only chance for the survival of both companies and society. In other words, this thesis aims to show that the terms company and society are connected and dependant on each other.
korporativno upravljanje
promjene u poduzeću
Dell Inc.
Privredna banka Zagreb
Keywords (english)
corporate governance
Dell Inc.
Privredna banka Zagreb
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:595686
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics Course: Management and Entrepreneurship Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-04-27 14:00:29