Title Obrazovanjem protiv siromaštva
Title (english) Education against poverty
Author Jelena Zenzerović Milovan
Mentor Marija Bušelić (mentor)
Committee member Tamara Floričić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Bušelić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijela Križman Pavlović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Pula (Faculty of economics and tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković") Pula
Defense date and country 2019-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics General Economy
Abstract Od svih dobara koja nam stoje na raspolaganju, najdragocjenije u razvijenom poslovnom svijetu danas je znanje tj. intelektualni kapital. Organizacijska znanja i potencijali čine osnovu intelektualnog kapitala. Može se općenito konstatirati da su znanja koja ljudi posjeduju derivat obrazovanja, te da porast istih obrnuto korelira siromaštvo zemlje. Ta se znanja mogu mjeriti i uračunati u dio ukupne vrijednosti organizacije. Naročito u hrvatskim uvjetima ta znanja često stagniraju ili se gube radi neodgovarajućeg tretmana u smislu daljnjeg učenja i povećanja kompetencija.
U pravilu se ona gube prilikom odlaska pojedinca iz organizacijskog sustava radi nedovoljne suradnje i dokumentiranja. Prelazak razvijenih zemalja i dijela zemalja u razvoju u "ekonomije znanja" rezultiralo je u povećanoj svijesti o znanju kao ključnoj poluzi za rast nacionalne ekonomije i borbe protiv siromaštva. Obrazovanje je neizostavni element strategije uspješnih zemalja, baš kao i globalnih poslovnih sustava, a isto tako i državnih institucija razvijenih zemalja. Tako se strategijske potrebe organizacija za kreiranjem i re-kreiranjem novog znanja dostižu sinergijom putem procesiranja informacija uz pomoć obrazovanja koje je jedan od temeljnih stupova konkurentnosti jedne zemlje, te eliminator siromaštva. Intelektualni kapital je znanje zaposlenih, koje oni pretvaraju u vrijednosti na tržištu. Hrvatski obrazovni sustav još uvijek je potrebno unapređivati kako bi isti bio konkurentniji, te u rangu s primjerice finskim obrazovnim sustavom, a samim time podignuti će se i ukupna konkurentnost Hrvatske i smanjiti siromaštvo.
Abstract (english) Of all the goods available to them, the most precious in today's developed business world is knowledge, ie intellectual capital. Organizational knowledge and potentials form the basis of intellectual capital. It can be generally stated that the knowledge that people possess the derivation of education and that the rise of the same is correlated with the poverty of the country.These knowledge can be measured and counted as part of the overall value of the organization. Especially in Croatian conditions, this knowledge often stagnates or is lost due to inadequate treatment in the sense of further learning and enhancement of competence.As a rule, they lose when leaving an individual out of the organizational system due to insufficient collaboration and documentation. The transition between developed countries and parts of developing countries into the "knowledge economy" has resulted in increased awareness of knowledge as a key factor in the growth of the national economy and the fight against poverty. Education is an indispensable part of the strategy of successful countries, just like the global business systems, as well as state institutions of developed countries. Thus, the strategic needs of organizations for creating and re-creating new knowledge reach synergies through information processing with the help of education which is one of the cornerstones of a country's competitiveness and the eliminator of poverty. Intellectual capital is the knowledge of employees, which they transform into market value. The Croatian educational system still needs to be improved to make it more competitive, in line with, for example, the Finnisheducation system, thus raising the overall competitiveness of Croatia and reducing poverty.
hrvatski obrazovni sustav
napredni obrazovni sustavi
Keywords (english)
Croatian education system
advanced education systems
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:137:161742
Study programme Title: Business Economics; specializations in: Financial Management, Marketing Management, Management and Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Development, Business Informatics Course: Tourism and Development Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-10-03 09:02:41