Title Фразеологизмы французского происхождения в русском языке
Title (croatian) Frazeologizmi francuskog podrijetla u ruskom jeziku
Title (english) Phraseological units of French origin in the Russian language
Author Tony Šercer
Mentor Marina Radčenko (mentor)
Committee member Marina Radčenko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Eugenija Ćuto (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Adrijana Vidić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Croatian and Slavic Studies) (Division of Russian Language and Literature) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018-01-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Slavic Studies
Abstract Данная дипломная работа занимается заимствованными фразеологическими единицами, пришедшими в русский из французского языка. В ней рассматриваются историческо-культурные условия, при которых французская лексика начала внедряться в русскую речь, равно как и сами фразеологические обороты, входившие в речевой обиход на русской почве на протяжении нескольких столетий. Даже в настоящее время, когда на территории России влияние французского языка, по сравнению с XVII или ХVIII веками, значительно ослабело, в русском фразеологическом фонде присутствует значительное число оборотов, уходящих корнями во французскую почву. Основной целью в ходе данной работы было рассмотреть процесс заимствования и проанализировать существующий корпус оборотов французского происхождения в русском языке в свете фразеологической теории, используя работы самых выдающихся экспертов в области этой самостоятельной лингвистической дисциплины.
Abstract (croatian) Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se frazeološkim jedinicama, koje su procesom posuđivanja, preko francuskoga svoj put našle i do ruskog jezika. U njemu razmatramo povijesno-kulturološke okolnosti koje su doprinijele tome da elementi francuskog leksika pronađu svoje mjesto u ruskome jezičnom sustavu, baš kao i frazeološke jedinice, koje su se uslijed jakog utjecaja francuske kulture s vremenom ukorijenile u jeziku. I dan danas, u doba kada je sociokulturološki stisak Francuske, u odnosu na situaciju tijekom XVII. ili XVIII. stoljeća kudikamo manje osjetan, u frazeološkom fondu ruskoga jezika primjećuje se značajan broj frazeoloških izraza, koji su, pustivši korijene na tlu Francuske, ubrzo stigli i u ruski jezik. Glavni cilj danoga rada bio je dotaknuti pitanjte leksičkog posuđivanja te u svijetlu frazeološke teorije predstaviti i razmotriti postojeći korpus izraza francuskoga podrijetla, oslanjajući se pritom na misli najistaknutijih stručnjaka, čije radove smo prilikom pisanja u velikoj mjeri konzultirali.
Abstract (english) This master's thesis addresses the question of language borrowing, more precisely the borrowing of phraseological units from French to Russian language. It looks into historical and socio-cultural background that allowed French vocabulary to permeate the Russian language system, as well as into phrasemes which, due to a strong and steady influence of the French culture over the history, ended up leaving profound roots in the Russian language. Even nowadays, in the times when one can cleary witness that, compared to the situation in the XVII or XVIII century, the francophonie has considerably loosened its grip on the Russian society, the number of expressions of French origin in the Russian language still remains substantial. Therefore, our main goal in this thesis was to discuss the process of lexical borrowing along with the appropriate analysis of the Russian corpus containing phraseological units that originated from French, all in the light of phraseological theories and ideas brought to us by some of the most eminent experts in the field.
русский язык
французский язык
фразеологический оборот
Keywords (croatian)
leksičko posuđivanje
francuski jezik
ruski jezik
frazeološki izrazi
Keywords (english)
lexical borrowing
phraseological units
Russian language
Franch language
Language russian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:018626
Study programme Title: Russian Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching, Translation Course: Translation Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra rusistike (magistar/magistra rusistike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2018-02-20 11:03:10