Title Semantička analiza anglicizama u ruskim računalnim časopisima
Title (english) Semantic analysis of Anglicism in Russian computer magazines
Author Zoran Kalapać
Mentor Marina Radčenko (mentor)
Committee member Eugenija Ćuto (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Radčenko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zdenka Matek Šmit (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Croatian and Slavic Studies) (Division of Russian Language and Literature) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-10-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Slavic Studies
Abstract Ovaj rad se bavi semantičkom analizom engleskih posuĎenica unutar ruskog jezika. Područje na kojem se provela analiza je područje informatike. Prvi dio rada je teorijski, u kojem se govori o posuĎenicama, posebice onima iz engleskog jezika. Drugi dio rada predstavlja semantičku analizu engleskih posuĎenica. Analiziran je časopis Linux Format broj 7 iz 2016. Analiza je provedena na temelju teorije Rudolfa Filipovića. On dijeli adaptaciju anglicizama na primarnu i sekundarnu. Primarna se dijeli na nultu semantičku ekstenziju, suženje značenja u broju i suženje značenja u polju. U sekundarnu adaptaciju spada proširenje značenja u broju i proširenje značenja u polju. Većina primjera iz analize spada u nultu semantičku adaptaciju. To znači kako pri preuzimanju njihovog značenja nije došlo do promjena značenja. Osim toga analizirane su i semantiče promjene vezane za elipsu, metonimiju, pejorizaciju. Razlozi posuĎivanja riječi su popunjavanje rupa u vokabularu. Dosta izuma i otkrića je sa engleskog govornog područja tako da se dosta riječi posuĎuje iz njega. Dobar primjer za to je područje informatike, koje je analizirano u ovom radu. Osim zbog popunjavanja rupa u vokabularu, iz engleskog se posuĎuje zato jer je on jezik popularne kulture, trendova. Riječi posuĎene iz njega izgledaju modernije, interesantnije, ozbiljnije, stoga se često koriste umjesto izvornih riječi. One se tako koriste posebice kod mladih ljudi i kod medija.
Abstract (english) This thesis is about the semantic analysis of English loan word in Russian language. Thesis focuses on the area of informatics. The first part of the thesis is theoretical, in which we talk about loan words, especially those from English language. The second part of the thesis is the analysis. It analyses English loan word from the magazine Linux Format, number 7 from 2016. The analysis is based on the works of Rudolf Filipović. He makes a distinction between primary and secondary adaptation of loan words. Primary adaptation includes zero semantic extension, narrowing of the meaning in the number and in the semantic field. Secondary adaptation includes extension of the meaning in the number and in the field. Most of the examples are included in the zero semantic extension. That means that during their adaptation to Russian language, there was no change concerning their meaning. This thesis also analyses sematic changes concerning ellipsis, metonymy and pejoration. The reason why languages borrow words from each other is to fill the gaps in vocabulary. Lot of new inventions and discoveries come from English spoken areas, so it is no wonder a lot of loan words come from English language. Good example for that is the area of informatics, which was analyzed in this thesis. Words are not borrowed from English language just to fill the gaps; words from English language are part of the pop culture, different trends. English words sound more modern, interesting, so they are often used instead of native words. These words are especially used by the media and the younger population.
primarna adaptacija posuđenica
sekundarna adaptacija posuđenica
Keywords (english)
primary adaptation of loanwords
secondary adaptation of loanwords
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:129503
Study programme Title: Russian Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching, Translation Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije rusistike (magistar/magistra edukacije rusistike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-11-22 13:57:55