Title Budućnost turoperatora u 21. stoljeću
Title (english) The future of tour operators in 21st century
Author Antonija Grgić
Mentor Vinko Bakija (mentor)
Committee member Gabrijela Vidić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vinko Bakija (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Šime Knežević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-09-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract Tema ovog rada su turoperatori i posredovanje u turizmu. Drugim riječima, usporedba turizma i njegovog posredovanja u 20. stoljeću i u 21. stoljeću. U prvom dijelu pobliže je opisan turizam 20.stoljeća, njegov nastanak, karakteristike (među kojima se ističe masovnost) i značenje posredovanja. Posredovanje kao sam čin, olakšalo je isporuku i prodaju turističkih proizvoda i usluga, te shodno tome pospješilo poslovanje unutar turizma. Nadalje, u radu su spomenuti i obrađeni najvažniji turoperatori u 20.stoljeća te je dan prikaz njihovog stanja na tržištu danas. Među turoperatorima posebno je istaknut TUI, koji je sve do danas zadržao titulu najuspješnijeg turoperatora. U drugom dijelu rada pojašnjen je razvoj turoperatora, kao i preinake nastale u turističkom sustavu kao posljedica promjene u potražnji suvremenog turista. Kako svaka medalja ima dvije strane, tako i turizam među mnoštvom pozitivnih aspekata broji i one negativne. Od pozitivnih, izdvojeni su specifični oblici turizma i strategija pro- poor turizma. Spomenuti specifični oblici prepoznati su kao važan faktor u borbi za minimiziranje negativnih učinaka. Dodatno, među pozitivnim stranama istaknula se i važnost borbe za održivi turizam. S druge strane, neka od ograničenja turizma su: zagađenja, kruzing turizam, nedostaci kvalificirane radne snage i problemi smještajnih kapaciteta. Kao problem smještajnih kapaciteta uočen je višak privatnog smještaja, a manjak hotela. U cilju prikaza dublje tematike tog problema podrobno su opisane obje vrste smještaja. Naposljetku, kako sudbina turoperatora ovisi o budućnosti turizma, opisane su očekivane promjene turizma u narednim razdobljima, te su iste implicirane na poslovanje turoperatora.
Abstract (english) The topic of this paper is tour operators and mediation in tourism. That is to say, a comparison of tourism and its mediation in the 20th century and the 21st century. The first part, in more detail, illustrates the tourism of the 20th century, its origin, characteristics (among which the widespread stands out) and the essence of mediation. Mediation, as an act itself, facilitated the delivery and sale of tourist products and services, and consequently improved business within tourism. Furthermore, the writing names and addresses the most important tour operators in the second half of the 20th century and proffers an overview of their situation on the market today. Among tour operators, TUI is especially prominent, which has retained the title of the most successful tour operator to this day. The second part of the paper explains the development of tour operators, accompanied by the developments that have occurred in the tourist system as a consequence of the change in the demand of the modern tourist. As each medal has two sides, so tourism among the many positive aspects counts the negative ones. Of the positive ones, specific forms of tourism and pro-poor tourism strategies were singled out. The stated specific forms have been perceived as an important factor in the fight to minimize the negative effects. Likewise, the importance of the fight for sustainable tourism was highlighted amongst the positive aspects. On the other hand, some of the limitations of tourism are: pollution, cruising tourism, shortages of skilled labor and problems of accommodation capacity. Excess of private accommodation and lack of hotels were marked as a problem of accommodation capacities. To present a broader topic of this problem, both types of accommodation are described in particular. Finally, as the fate of tour operators depends on the future of tourism, the expected changes in tourism in the coming periods are defined, and they are referred to the business of tour operators.
Keywords (english)
tour operators
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:057762
Study programme Title: Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-10-02 11:54:13