Title Traducción y análisis del cuento infantil y juvenil ¡Manda narices!
Title (croatian) Prijevod i analiza priče za djecu Manda narices!
Title (english) Translation and Analysis of Children’s Story ¡Manda narices!
Author Tea Andrić
Mentor Ivana Lončar (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Zovko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Lončar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vedrana Lovrinović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Hispanic and Iberian Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract El presente trabajo de fin de máster consiste en la traducción, del español al croata, del libro infantil ¡Manda narices! del autor Paco Liván y un análisis, en el que se realizaron los problemas y dificultades de traducción, así como las estrategias que se han seguido para solventarlos. A su vez, este trabajo se inspiró en el proyecto Gender identity: Child readers and library collections (G-BOOK), cuya intención es acercar a los lectores más pequeños a la diversidad y libertad literaria sin estereotipos de género, con lo cual se explicará la conexión con el proyecto y sus múltiples objetivos, como promover una literatura infantil positiva. Por lo tanto, la estructura del trabajo se divide en tres partes principales. En la primera parte teórica se hace introducción a la literatura infantil y juvenil y se desarrolla el tema en el contexto de la traducción literaria. En la segunda parte, la parte práctica, se analiza el texto meta que cuenta con dos versiones – la traducción arcaica y la traducción moderna. La última parte consiste en la traducción del cuento español al croata.
Abstract (croatian) Ovaj diplomski rad sadrži prijevod, sa španjolskog na hrvatski, knjige za djecu Manda narices! Paca Livána i analizu u kojoj su prikazani problemi i poteškoće pri prevođenju, kao i primijenjene prevoditeljske strategije. Rad se temelji na projektu Gender identity: Child readers and library collections (G-BOOK), čiji je cilj približiti mladim čitateljima književnost koja je raznovrsna, otvorena i bez stereotipa. Shodno tome, predstaviti će se projekt i njegovi višestruki ciljevi poput promicanja dječje književnosti osviještene u smislu rodnih uloga i modela. Stoga je struktura rada podijeljena u tri dijela. U prvom teorijskom dijelu rada, predstavlja se dječja književnost i razvija se tema u kontekstu književnog prevođenja. U praktičnom se dijelu rada analizira ciljni tekst koji se sastoji od arhaične verzije i suvremene verzije prijevoda. Posljednji dio rada uključuje prijevod priče sa španjolskog na hrvatski jezik.
Abstract (english) The present thesis consists in the translation from Spanish into Croatian of the children's book Manda narices! by the author Paco Liván and an analysis showing the translation problems and difficulties, as well as the strategies that have been employed to solve them. Accordingly, this thesis is based on the Gender identity: Child readers and library collections project (GBOOK), whose intention is to bring young readers closer to open-minded, plural and gender free of stereotypes literary with which the project and its multiple objectives such as promoting positive children's literature will be presented. Therefore, the structure of the work is divided into three main parts. In the first theoretical part, children's literature is introduced and developed in the context of literary translation. In the practical part, both archaic and modern translations are analysed. The last part consists of the translation of the Spanish story into Croatian.
literatura infantil y juvenil
traducción de la literatura infantil y juvenil
literatura infantil y juvenil positiva
Keywords (croatian)
dječja književnost
prijevod dječje književnosti
rodno osviještena književnost
Keywords (english)
children’s literature
children’s literature translation
gender positive children’s literature
Language spanish
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:386154
Study programme Title: Hispanistics (double major); specializations in: Translation Course: Translation Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra španjolskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra španjolskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-12-09 17:07:43