Title Karim Amellal « Vagues à l'âme » : Traduction et analyse traductologique
Title (croatian) Karim Amellal „Vagues à l’âme“: Prijevod i traduktološka analiza
Title (english) Karim Amellal “Vagues à l’âme”: Translation and translation analysis
Author Klara Kožul
Mentor Mirna Sindičić Sabljo (mentor)
Committee member Vanda Mikšić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirna Sindičić Sabljo (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Patrick Levačić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of French and Francophone Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-05-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Le présent mémoire de master a pour but de présenter la traduction d’une œuvre appartenant au corpus de la littérature de banlieue, Vagues à l’âme, de l’écrivain Karim Amellal, ainsi que de faire une analyse de cette traduction selon les treize tendances déformantes d’Antoine Berman présentées dans son livre La traduction et la lettre ou l’auberge du lointain (1999). Le mémoire consiste en cinq parties. La première partie présente plusieurs définitions des théoriciens de la traduction en général en se focalisant sur la traduction littéraire. Elle est suivie par la présentation de l’auteur et des traits principaux de la littérature en question à laquelle appartient l’auteur de notre nouvelle. La troisième partie porte sur la traduction croate de la nouvelle, suivie par la pénultième partie, la méthodologie de Berman qui est élaborée dans l’analyse traductologique, ensemble avec l’analyse des particularités du texte de banlieue en question, telles que le verlan, l’argot, etc., jusqu’à arriver à la dernière partie de ce mémoire de master, la conclusion.
Abstract (croatian) Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je predstaviti prijevod djela koje pripada korpusu književnosti iz predgrađa, Uzburkana duša, pisca Karima Amellala, i napraviti analizu tog prijevoda prema trinaest deformacijskih tendencija Antoinea Bermana koje su predstavljene u njegovoj knjizi La traduction et la lettre ou l’auberge du lointain (1999). Diplomski rad se sastoji od pet dijelova. Prvi dio donosi nekoliko definicija teoretičara o prevođenju općenito, stavljajući naglasak na književno prevođenje. Nakon prvog dijela slijedi prezentacija autora i glavnih značajki književnosti koju obrađujemo i kojoj pripada autor naše novele. Treći dio odnosi se na hrvatski prijevod novele, nakon kojega slijedi metodologija Antoinea Bermana koja je razrađena u četvrtom dijelu, traduktološkoj analizi, skupa s analizom specifičnosti ovog teksta iz predgrađa, kao što su šatra, žargon, itd., a sve to je zaokruženo u zadnjem dijelu ovog diplomskog rada, zaključku.
Abstract (english) The purpose of the following thesis is to present the translation of a work that belongs to the corpus of outskirts literature, Vagues à l’âme, by the writer Karim Amellal, as well as to analyze this translation according to the thirteen distorting tendencies of Antoine Berman presented in his book La traduction et la lettre ou l’auberge du lointain (1999). The thesis consists of five parts. The first part presents several definitions of theorists of translation in general, focusing on literary translation. That part is followed by the presentation of the author and the main features of the literature in question to which belongs the author of our short story. The third part focuses on Croatian translation of the short story, followed by second-to-last part, Berman’s methodology which is elaborated in the translation analysis, together with the analysis of the peculiarities of the outskirts text in question, such as slang, backward-slang, etc., all of which is framed in the last part, the conclusion.
littérature de banlieue
Karim Amellal
tendances déformantes
Antoine Berman
analyse traductologique
Keywords (croatian)
književnost iz predgrađa
Karim Amellal
deformacijske tendencije
Antoine Berman
traduktološka analiza
Keywords (english)
outskirts literature
Karim Amellal
distorting tendencies
Antoine Berman
translation analysis
Language french
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:485307
Study programme Title: French Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Translation Course: Translation Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra francuskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra francuskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-12-09 17:16:15