Title Análisis contrastivo de las unidades fraseológicas con el componente agua en español, italiano y croata
Title (croatian) Kontrastivna analiza frazema sa sastavnicom voda na španjolskom, talijanskom i hrvatskom jeziku
Title (english) Contrastive analysis of phraseological units with the component water in Spanish, Italian and Croatian
Author Anđela Odak
Mentor Ivana Lončar (mentor)
Committee member Stijepo Stjepović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Petra Špadić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Lončar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Hispanic and Iberian Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-01-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract Este trabajo, titulado Análisis contrastivo de las unidades fraseológicas con el componente agua en español, italiano y croata, analiza y compara frases con componente agua en español, italiano y croata. En primer lugar, se describe el marco teórico sobre el desarrollo de la fraseología, los sintagmas y su clasificación. Posteriormente, se presenta el análisis y la comparación de los sintagmas utilizados en el siglo XXI. Los sintagmas de equivalencia total y parcial se han analizado a nivel léxico y semántico. El trabajo está dividido en tres macroestructuras. En cada macroestructura hay un idioma de origen y dos idiomas de destino. Las hipótesis básicas son dos, la primera es que las unidades fraseológicas en español, formalmente, se parecen más a las unidades fraseológicas en italiano, ya que ambas son lenguas romances., mientras que el croata es una lengua eslava, y la segunda hipótesis es que unidades fraseológicas en italiano, semánticamente, se parecen más a las UF en croata, gracias a la proximidad geográfica y los hechos histórico-políticos. Al final se ha concluido que todas las unidades fraseológicas analizadas tienen un equivalente en los tres idiomas, y que el 9% de las UF tienen la equivalencia completa en español e italiano, y el 7% tienen la equivalencia completa en croata e italiano.
Abstract (croatian) U ovom radu, naslovljenom Kontrastivna analiza frazema sa sastavnicom voda na španjolskom, talijanskom i hrvatskom jeziku, analiziraju se i uspoređuju frazemi sa sastavnicom voda na španjolskom, talijanskom i hrvatskom jeziku. Najprije je predstavljen teorijski okvir razvoja frazeologije, frazema i njihova podjela. Zatim slijedi analiza i usporedba frazema koji se koriste u XXI stoljeću. Frazemi totalne i djelomične podudarnosti analizirani su na leksičkoj i semantičkoj razini. Rad je podijeljen u tri makrostrukture, U svakoj makrostrukturi imamo jedan polazni jezik i dva ciljna jezika. Uzeli smo dvije temeljne pretpostavke, da su španjolski i talijanski frazemi bliži formalno, budući da su oba jezika romanski jezici, dok je hrvatski slavenski jezik, te da su talijanski i hrvatski frazemi sličniji na semantičkoj razini zbog geografske blizine i povijesne političke i kulturne povezanosti ove dvije zemlje. Na kraju je zaključeno da svi analizirani frazemi imaju ekvivalent u sva tri jezika, te da je 9% frazema potpune ekvivalencije u španjolskom i talijanskom jeziku, a 7% potpune ekvivalencije u hrvatskom i talijanskom jeziku.
Abstract (english) This work, titled Contrastive analysis of phraseological units with the component water in Spanish, Italian and Croatian, analyzes and compares phrasemes with component water in Spanish, Italian and Croatian. Firstly, the theoretical framework on the development of phraseology, phrasemes and their classification are described. Subsequently, the analysis and comparison of the phrasemes used in the 21st century is presented. The phrasemes of total and partial equivalence have been analyzed at the lexical and semantical level. The work is divided into three macrostructures. In each macrostructure there is one source language and two target languages. The basic hypothesis are two, the first is that the Spanish and Italian phrasemes, are more similar, formally, since both are Romance languages, while Croatian is a Slavic language, and the second hypothesis is that the Italian and Croatian phrasemes resemble each other more, semantically, because of their geographical proximity and political, historical and cultural relations. In the end it has been concluded that all the phrasemes analyzed have an equivalent in all three languages, and that 9% of the phrasemes have the complete equivalence in Spanish and Italian, and 7% have the complete equivalence in Croatian and Italian.
unidad fraseológica
análisis contrastivo
Keywords (croatian)
kontrastivna analiza
Keywords (english)
contrastive analysis
Language spanish
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:315152
Study programme Title: Hispanistics (double major); specializations in: Translation Course: Translation Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra španjolskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra španjolskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-01-19 14:33:39