Title Gender roles in romantic comedies
Title (croatian) Rodne uloge u romantičnim komedijama
Author Ela Igrec
Mentor Marko Lukić (mentor)
Committee member Mario Vrbančić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Kuzmanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Lukić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of English) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-02-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Abstract It can be said that popular culture and real life world are interdependable as they influence each other. Popular culture effects everyday lives with its representation of certain matters, whereas real-life events can be so powerful as to guide what popular culture will represent. The most concerning thought about popular culture is the fact that it can represent people, culture and concepts in stereotypical and prejudicial way. It is therefore of high importance to analyse which stereotypes are the most recurrent ones in order to if not prevent them, then at least reduce their recurrence or to make people aware that they do not have to behave in accordance with different roles that are being continuously displayed in popular culture. This thesis chose to analyse gender roles that are appearing in romantic comedies. Its main aim is to observe, analyse and explore gender roles in romantic comedies. Research is based on two main theoretical frameworks – representational and discourse theory. Analysis is done based on total of twelve romantic comedies. Half of them, declared as older romantic comedies, were produced around 2010, whereas the other half, referred to as newer romantic comedies, were produced around 2020. Such division was made in order to see if there has been any progress or change in representation of gender roles during these ten years. Regarding gender roles, they are divided into four spheres that were recognized as the most recurrent ones in the representation of gender roles in romantic comedies – occupations, personality traits, domestic behaviours, and physical appearance. Personality traits are further divided into gender personality characteristics – being emotional, asking for help/giving advice, being nurturing/self-serving, dominance/submissiveness, and perspective towards love. Analysis of gender roles in popular culture of other writers and academics is also given, as well as its comparison with the results of analysis done in this thesis.
Abstract (croatian) Može se reći da su popularna kultura i stvarni svijet međusobno ovisni budući da reflektiraju jedni druge. Popularna kultura s njezinom reprezentacijom određenih stvari utječe na svakodnevni život, dok događaji iz stvarnog života mogu biti toliko snažni da vode što će popularna kultura reprezentirati. Najzabrinjavajuća misao o popularnoj kulturi je ta da ona može reprezentirati ljude, kulture i koncepte na stereotipičan način pun predrasuda. Iz toga je razloga od iznimne značajnosti analizirati koji se stereotipi najviše pojavljuju da bi ih ako ne spriječili, onda bar smanjili njihovo pojavljivanje ili pak osvijestili ljude da ne se moraju ponašati u skladu s različitim ulogama koje popularna kultura kontinuirano prikazuje. U ovom se radu analiziraju rodne uloge koje se pojavljuju u romantičnim komedijama. Glavni je cilj promatrati, analizirati i istraživati rodne uloge u romantičnim komedijama, dok se istraživanje temelji na dva glavna teorijska okvira – teorija reprezentacije i diskursa. Analiza je napravljena na ukupno dvanaest romantičnih komedija. Početak prikazivanja polovice navedenih filmova, u radu navedeni kao stariji filmovi, je bilo oko 2010. godine, dok je početak prikazivanje ostalih filmova, u radu referirani kao noviji filmovi, bilo oko 2020. godine. Takva je podjela napravljena kako bi se uvidjelo postoji li napredak ili promjene u reprezentaciji rodnih uloga u tih deset godina. Što se tiče rodnih uloga, one su podijeljene u četiri sfere koje su bile prepoznate kao najučestalije u reprezentaciji rodnih uloga u romantičnim komedijama – zanimanja, osobine ličnosti, kućno ponašanje i fizički izgled. Osobine ličnosti su dalje podijeljene u rodne lične karakteristike – emocionalnost, traženje/davanje savjeta, biti njegujući/sebičan, dominantnost/submisivnost te odnos prema ljubavi. Analiza rodnih uloga u popularnoj kulturi drugih autora i znanstvenika također čini dio ovog rada, kao i komparacija njihovih rezultata istraživanja s ishodima ove analize.
gender roles
romantic comedies
stereotypical representation
popular culture
Keywords (croatian)
rodne uloge
romantične komedije
stereotipična reprezentacija
popularna kultura
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:826674
Study programme Title: English Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching, Research Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije engleskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije engleskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-07-04 08:49:41