Title Utjecaj emocija na potrošačko ponašanje: preferencija tipa proizvoda
Title (english) The influence of emotions on consumer behavior: product type preference
Author Ana Filipović
Mentor Andrea Tokić (mentor)
Committee member Ljiljana Gregov (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Burić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Andrea Tokić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Psychology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-10-31, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology General Psychology
Abstract Moderan način života utjecao je na to da svaki pojedinac, u manjoj ili većoj mjeri, svakodnevno bude dio sveopćeg konzumerizma. Upravo psihologija potrošačkog ponašanja pokušava uzeti u obzir ulogu pojedinca kao potrošača, a fokus stavlja na sve procese koji utječu na njegovo predkupovno, kupovno i postkupovno ponašanje. Pri proučavanju ovog iznimno kompleksnog fenomena, uz kognitivne procese, od velike je važnosti uključiti i kontrolu emocija. Emocija, kao vitalni element i motivator ljudskog ponašanja, ima značajnu ulogu u oblikovanju svih životnih aspekata, pa je tako njezin utjecaj vidljiv i u preferencijama prema raznim proizvodima. Generalno, proizvodi na tržištu mogu se podijeliti u dvije osnovne kategorije: hedonističke i utilitarističke proizvode. Hedonistički proizvodi obuhvaćaju sve proizvode koji se koriste radi emocionalnog i osjetnog iskustva konzumacije istih. Takvi proizvodi uglavnom se ne povezuju s praktičnom vrijednošću, već s užitkom i zadovoljstvom. S druge strane, utilitaristički proizvodi su oni proizvodi koje karakteriziraju funkcionalnost i praktičnost, stoga se često koriste u rješavanju specifičnih problema. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj emocija sreće i tuge na preferencije proizvoda različitih po dimenzijama hedonističnosti i utilitarističnosti. Istraživanje se odvijalo uživo, u obliku eksperimenta, a pristupilo mu je 135 studentica. Rezultati su pokazali kako se sudionice ne razlikuju u preferenciji prema određenom tipu proizvoda s obzirom na vrstu inducirane emocije, no sudionice su općenito više preferirale hedonističke, u odnosu na utilitarističke proizvode. Također, smanjenje doživljaja tuge uz istovremeno povećanje doživljaja sreće nakon zadatka simulirane kupovine, u grupi sudionica kojima je inducirana emocija tuge, upućuje na terapeutski učinak kupovine.
Abstract (english) The modern way of life has influenced that every individual, to a greater or lesser extent, is a part of universal consumerism daily. It is the psychology of consumer behavior that tries to consider the role of the individual as a consumer and focuses on all the processes that influence his pre-purchase, purchase, and post-purchase behavior. When studying this extremely complex phenomenon, in addition to cognitive processes, it is very important to include emotion control. Emotion, as a vital element and motivator of human behavior, plays a significant role in shaping all aspects of life, so its influence is also visible in preferences for various products. In general, products on the market can be divided into two basic categories: hedonic and utilitarian products. Hedonic products include all products that are used for the emotional and sensory experience of consuming them. Such products are generally not associated with practical value, but with pleasure and satisfaction. On the other hand, utilitarian products are those products that are characterized by functionality and practicality; therefore, they are often used to solve specific problems. The aim of this research was to examine the influence of the emotions of happiness and sadness on the preferences of products with different dimensions of hedonism and utilitarianism. The research took place live, in the form of an experiment, and 135 female students participated in it. The results showed that the participants did not differ in their preference for a certain type of product regarding the type of induced emotion, but the participants generally preferred hedonic, compared to utilitarian, products. Also, the decrease in the experience of sadness with the simultaneous increase in the experience of happiness after the task of simulated shopping, in the group of participants who were induced with the emotion of sadness, points to the therapeutic effect of shopping.
potrošačko ponašanje
hedonistički proizvodi
utilitaristički proizvodi
Keywords (english)
consumer behaviour
hedonic products
utilitarian products
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:649653
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra psihologije (magistar/magistra psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-12-20 09:16:00