Title Stanični i molekularni mehanizmi cijeljenja kirurških rana
Title (english) Cellular and Molecular Healing Mechanisms of Surgical Wounds
Author Luka Bilić
Mentor Ozren Smolec (mentor)
Committee member Marko Pećin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Folnožić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ozren Smolec (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Surgery, Orthopaedics and Ophtalmology Clinic) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Abstract Koža je najveći organ kralježnjaka i presudna je za obranu kao i za opstanak. Svaka ozljeda uzrokuje gubitak integriteta kože koji rezultira funkcionalnom neravnotežom što može biti popraćeno invalidnošću ili čak smrću. Cijeljenje rane je pokušaj ozlijeđenog tkiva da povrati normalnu funkciju i strukturalni integritet nakon ozljede. Popravak rana na koži kod odraslih se obično postiže fibrozom što rezultira ožiljkom . Kod sisavaca se koža fetusa regenerira besprijekorno za razliku od kože odraslih.Rana je definirana kao oštećenje ili prekid normalne anatomske strukture i funkcije. Rane smo podijelili na akutne kronične i komplicirane, te prema tipu mehaničke sile ili oruđa koji su uzrokovali oštećenje na: ubodne rane,rezne rane(porezotine),posjekotine,razderotine,razderane i nagnječene rane,nagnječene rane,zgnječene rane,ugrizne rane,strijelne i eksplozivne rane. S obzirom na prisutnu kontaminaciju rane smo još podijelili na : čiste kirurške rane,čiste kontaminirane rane,kontaminirane rane i nečiste rane. Unutar pojedinačne rane pojavljuje se istovremeno više faza cijeljenja. Proces cijeljenja podijeljen je u tri faze : upalna,faza proliferacije i faza sazrijevanja. Upala počinje odmah nakon uklanjanja zagađivača rane i oštećenog ili mrtvog tkiva. Proliferativna faza predstavlja fazu popravka ozlijeđenog tkiva tijekom koje se krvni tok, komponente izvanstaničnog matriksa i epitelni pokrov rane obnavljaju. U procesu sazrijevanja ili remodeliranja dolazi do reorganizacije kolagena i do povratka jačine tkiva prije samog ranjavanja. Regenerativna medicina je definirana kao novo i brzo rastuće polje biomedicine čija se istraživanja fokusiraju na zamjenu,obnovu i obnavljanje oštećenih stanica,tkiva i organa. To se može postići postupkom dediferencijacije,transdiferencijacije i reprogramiranja. Regenerativne terapije sastoje se od različitih tehnoloških pristupa poput topivih molekula,ciljanja gena,liječenja matičnim stanicama,inženjeringa tkiva i reprogramiranja stanica. Terapija se provodi na bazi faktora rasta ili na staničnoj osnovi.
Abstract (english) The skin is the largest organ of vertebrates and is crucial for defense as well as survival. Any injury causes loss of skin integrity resulting in functional imbalance which can be accompanied by disability or even death. Wound healing is an attempt by injured tissue to restore normal function and structural integrity after injury. Skin repair in adults is usually achieved by fibrosis resulting in scarring. In mammals, the skin of the fetus regenerates flawlessly unlike adult skin. A wound is defined as damage or interruption of normal anatomical structure and function. Wounds were divided into acute, chronic and complicated, and by type of mechanical force or tool that caused damage to: stab wounds, cut wounds (cuts), cuts, lacerations, torn and bruised wounds, bruised wounds, crushed wounds, bite wounds, shot wounds and explosive wounds. Considering the present contamination of wounds, we have further divided them into: clean surgical wounds, clean contaminated wounds, contaminated wounds and unclean wounds. Multiple healing stages occur at the same time within a single wound. The healing process is divided into three phases: inflammatory, proliferation and maturation. Inflammation begins immediately after removal of wound contaminants and damaged or dead tissue. The proliferative phase represents the repair phase of the injured tissue during which the blood flow, components of the extracellular matrix and epithelial wound cover are restored. In the process of maturation or remodeling, the collagen is reorganized and the tissue strength returns like as it was before wounding. Regenerative medicine is defined as a new and rapidly growing field of biomedicine whose research focuses on the replacement and restoration of damaged cells, tissues and organs. This can be achieved through a process of dedifferentiation, transdifferentiation and reprogramming. Regenerative therapies consist of various technological approaches such as soluble molecules, gene targeting, stem cell treatment, tissue engineering and cell reprogramming. Therapy is performed on a growth factor or cellular basis.
cijeljenje rana
regenerativne terapije
Keywords (english)
wound healing
regenerative therapies
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:178:565650
Study programme Title: Veterinary Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine (doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-12-09 15:54:11