Title (english) Canine soft tissue sarcomas
Author Marta Radin
Mentor Marko Hohšteter (mentor)
Committee member Doroteja Huber (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lidija Medven Zagradišnik (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Hohšteter (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Abstract Sarkomi mekog tkiva predstavljaju široku skupinu malignih tumora koji nastaju iz
vezivnog tkiva. Tumori uključeni u ovu skupinu jesu: fibrosarkom, tumori ovojnice perifernih
živaca, liposarkom, miksosarkom, tumori vaskularnog zida, pleomorfni sarkom i mezenhimom.
Unatoč tome što ih čine stanice različita podrijetla, svrstani su u istu skupinu jer se ponašaju na
vrlo sličan način u pogledu rasta, širenja i odgovora na liječenje. Ovi se tumori obično javljaju
kao solitarne tvorbe u koži i potkožju. Tvorbe mogu biti mekane ili tvrde konzistencije, a
većinom su spororastuće. Tumori su lokalno invazivni, ali rijetko kad metastaziraju, osim ako
su visokog stupnja. Metode dijagnostike koje se koriste za njihovu identifikaciju jesu: FNA,
biopsija i imunohistokemijska pretraga. FNA i histopatološka pretraga se međusobno
upotpunjuju u dijagnostici ovih tumora.
Patohistološkom pretragom biopsata određuje se stupanj tumora. Stupnju I pripadaju one
neoplazije čije su stanice dobro diferencirane. Stupnju II one koje su umjereno diferencirane, a
stupnju III neoplazije koje su slabo diferencirane. Stupnjevi tumora mogu predvidjeti
vjerojatnost metastaziranja i u konačnici odrediti prognozu. Krvne pretrage, rendgen prsnog
koša i ponekad ultrazvuk abdomena su indicirani kako bi se utvrdili drugi problemi povezani s
tumorom. Detaljnija dijagnostička snimanja, kao što su MR ili CT, mogu biti od velike pomoći
za planiranje kirurškog uklanjanja. Ekscizija sa širokim marginama je prvi izbor u liječenju
sarkoma mekih tkiva. Široke margine obično znače uklanjanje najmanje 3 cm normalnog tkiva
koje okružuje tumor u svim smjerovima, a one su preporučene jer sarkomi mekog tkiva često
infiltriraju u okolno tkivo. Provođenjem širokih margina sprječava se nastanak recidiva.
Abstract (english) Soft tissue sarcomas are a broad group of malignant tumors that arise from connective
tissue. Tumors included in this group are fibrosarcoma, peripheral nerve sheath tumors,
liposarcoma, myxosarcoma, vascular wall tumors, pleomorphic sarcoma and mesenchymoma.
Despite being derived from cells of different origins, they are classified in the same group
because they behave in a very similar way in terms of growth, proliferation, and response to
treatment. These tumors usually occur as solitary formations in the skin and subcutaneous
tissue. Formations can be soft or hard in consistency, and are mostly slow-growing. Tumors are
locally invasive but rarely metastasize unless of a high degree. Diagnostic methods used for
their identification are FNA, biopsy and immunohistochemical examination. FNA and
histopathological examination complement each other in the diagnosis of these tumors.
Pathohistological examination of the biopsy determines the degree of the tumor. Grade
I includes those neoplasms whose cells are well differentiated. Grade II those that are
moderately differentiated, and grade III neoplasms that are poorly differentiated. Tumor grades
can predict the likelihood of metastasis and ultimately determine prognosis. Blood tests, chest
x-rays, and sometimes abdominal ultrasounds are indicated to determine other tumor-related
problems. More detailed diagnostic imaging, such as MR or CT, can be of great help in planning
surgical removal. Excision with wide margins is the first choice in the treatment of soft tissue
sarcoma. Wide margins usually mean removal of at least 3 cm of normal tissue surrounding the
tumor in all directions, and these are recommended because soft tissue sarcomas often infiltrate
surrounding tissue. Conducting wide margins prevents recurrence.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:178:611249
Study programme Title: Veterinary Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine (doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-07-14 07:30:45