Abstract | Zelena ekonomija i društvo po mjeri čovjeka ciljevi su i problematika kojom se bave sve zemlje svijeta. Dosadašnje djelovanje i odnos čovjeka prema okolišu utjecali su na zagađenje okoliša i narušavanje ekosustava. Povezanost različitih dimenzija društva utjecalo je na širenje kriza ekosustava na različita tržišta što je oslabilo gospodarstva diljem svijeta. Unatoč tehnološkom napretku glavni problemi s kojima se suočava čitavo društvo jesu nejednakost, siromaštvo, glad, nedostatna zdravstvena skrb i sl. Sve su to posljedice neadekvatnog upravljanja i korištenja resursa te preferiranje profita kao jedinog ekonomskog cilja spram rasta, prosperiteta i razvoja društva po mjeri čovjeka te zaštite ekosustava. Potencijalni spas leži u agilnosti kompanija i svih sudionika; da se ponašaju društveno odgovorno te da djeluju prema standardima zelenog gospodarstva. U radu se stoga definirao koncept zelene ekonomije te se ukazalo na probleme i prepreke s kojima se susreću društvo i poduzeća u procesu tranzicije na zelenu ekonomiju. Istraživanje koncepta i problematike implementacije zelene ekonomije u hrvatska poduzeća provedeno je analizom stručne literature i metodom anketiranja. Analiza stanja zelene ekonomije i anketiranja poduzeća ukazala je na nedostatke unutar samog sustava za koje su prije svega odgovorni kreatori politika i institucionalni okvir. Kao najveći problemi i čimbenici koje prve treba urediti i promijeniti jesu pravni aspekti i regulative, program poticanja zelenog poduzetništva te suradnja s organizacijama u promociji zelenog djelovanja u svim dimenzijama društva. Zelena ekonomija je budućnost, a odgovorno djelovanje dio općeg sustava vrijednosti. Svijest o značaju, utjecajima i jačanju ciljeva koji imaju doseg opće dobrobiti prekretnica su za preobrazbu društva i ekonomskog globalnog sustava koji će izbjeći samouništenje i biti otporniji na šokove i promjene. Kao smjernice za izgradnju zelenog društva mogu se istaknuti: iskorjenjivanje korupcije, jasno definiranje strategije i ciljeva zelene politike, izrada paketa razvoja zelenog poduzetništva i poticanja zelenih investicija, ulaganja u obrazovni sustav s ciljem razvoja novih tehnologija koje štite okoliš i doprinose povećanju dobrobiti čovjeka, osnivanje inkubatora i tehnoloških parkova za ona poduzeća koja djeluju prema konceptu zelene ekonomije kako bi postavljene strategije bile održive, a procesi prilagodljiviji promjenama, strategija razvoja komparativnih prednosti kroz zelene procese za upravljanje konkurentnošću s ciljem energetske neovisnosti, nagrađivanje i poticanje održavanja zelenih ulaganja i procesa poslovanja itd. |
Abstract (english) | A green economy and a human-scale society are the goals and issues that all the countries of the world deal with. The previous activities and the relationship of man towards the environment have influenced the pollution of the environment and the disruption of the ecosystem. The interconnectedness of different dimensions of society has influenced the spread of ecosystem crises to different markets, which has weakened economies around the world. Despite technological progress, the main problems facing the entire society are inequality, poverty, hunger, insufficient health care, etc. All of these are the consequences of inadequate management and use of resources and the preference for profit as the only economic goal over growth, prosperity and human-scale development of society and ecosystem protection. The potential salvation lies in the agility of companies and all stakeholders to behave socially responsibly and act according to the standards of the green economy. The paper therefore defines the concept of green economy and points out the problems and obstacles for society and companies in the process of transition to a green economy. Research on the concept and issues of implementing the green economy in Croatian companies was carried out by analyzing the professional literature and using the survey method. The analysis of the state of the green economy and the survey of companies pointed to shortcomings within the system itself, for which the policy makers and the institutional framework are primarily responsible. The biggest problems and factors that need to be fixed and changed first are the legal aspects and regulations, the green entrepreneurship promotion program and cooperation with organizations in the promotion of green activities in all dimensions of society.The green economy is the future, and responsible action is part of the general value system. Awareness of the importance, effects and the strengthening of goals that reach the general welfare are a turning point for the transformation of society and the economic global system that will avoid self-destruction and be more resistant to crises. As guidelines for building a green society, the following can be highlighted: eradicating corruption, clearly defining the strategy and goals of green policy, creating a package for the development of green entrepreneurship and encouraging green investments, investing in the education system with the aim of developing new technologies that protect the environment and contribute to increasing benefits for humans, the establishment of incubators and technology parks for those companies that operate according to the concept of green economy in order to make the strategies set sustainable and processes more adaptable to changes, the strategy of developing comparative advantages through green processes for managing competitiveness to achieve the goals of energy independence, rewarding and encouraging the maintenance of green investments and business processes. |