Title Urbane operacije - studija slučaja: Izraelsko-libanonski rat 2006.
Title (english) Urban Operations - Case Study: Israel-Hesbollah War 2006.
Author Tomislav Sokolić
Mentor Mladen Pahernik (mentor)
Mentor Andrija Kozina (mentor)
Committee member Stjepan Domjančić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Pahernik (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Andrija Kozina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb (Croatian Defence Academy "Dr. Franjo Tuđman") Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Security and Defense Science
Abstract U ovom će se radu definirati pojam urbanog ratovanja, kako je ono nastalo, razlozi vođenja urbanog ratovanja, kao i njegov razvoj kroz vrijeme i tehnološke napretke koji su utjecali na njegov daljnji razvitak kao specifičnog načina vođenja rata. Također, navesti će se i opasnosti urbanog ratovanja, njegove pripadajuće prednosti i nedostatci, ali i izazovi koji mogu proizaći iz bavljenja ovim načinom ratovanja. Kroz povijesni osvrt na kratko će se prikazati nastanak i razvoj Izraela kao države.
... More U njemu će se sagledati situacija u kojemu je država nastala, Arapsko-Izraelski rat i nastanak države, koji je polučio i osnivanje Izraelske vojske, i epilog Arapsko-Izraelskog rata. Osvrnut ćemo se na desetljeća razvitka Izraelske države i sustava te model ustroja njene vojske koja je sudjelovala u vojnim operacijama, a naglasak će biti stavljen na ratove i veće sukobe u kojima je ta zemlja sudjelovala do 2006. godine, a to su Sueska kriza, Šestodnevni rat, rat Iscrpljivanja, Yom-Kippurski rat, Libanonski rat 1982., te prva i druga Intifada. Kroz taj period spomenut će se i politički razvoj Izraela te odnos sa susjednim zemljama. Prikazat će se povijesni osvrt nastanka i razvoja Hezbollaha, kao organizacije, kada i kako je osnovana, koji ju svi narodi sačinjavaju, zemlje i područja u kojima djeluje, te njeno sudjelovanje u Južno-Libanonskom konfliktu, a taj osvrt završava prije rata 2006. godine.
Nadalje, promatrat će se uvjeti koji su utjecali na ishod njihova sukoba u Izraelsko-Libanonskom ratu, te će se pobliže sagledati sustav zapovijedanja i nadzora Izraelske vojske, kao jedan od ključnih čimbenika koji su utjecali na ishod navedenog sukoba. U zaključku ovog rada će se ukazati na nekoliko uvjeta koji bi promijenili tijek i ishod njihova suočavanja, uz zaključnu analizu istraživačkog rada. Less
Abstract (english) This paper will define the concept of urban warfare, how it came to be, the reasons for waging urban warfare, as well as its development over time and technological advances that influenced its further development as a specific way of waging war. Also, the dangers of urban warfare, its associated advantages and disadvantages, and the challenges that may arise from engaging in this type of warfare will be outlined. The historical overview will briefly show the emergence and development of
... More Israel as a state. It will look at the situation in which the state originated, the Arab - Israeli War and the emergence of the state, which also resulted in the establishment of the Israeli Army, and the epilogue to the Arab - Israeli War. We will look at the decades of development of the Israeli state and system and the model of organization of its army that participated in military operations, and will focus on the wars and major conflicts in which that country participated until 2006, namely the Suez Crisis, the Six-Day war, the War of Attrition, the Yom-Kippur War, the Lebanon War of 1982, and the first and second Intifada. During this period, political development of Israel and relations with neighboring countries will also be mentioned. The historical overview of the origin and development of Hezbollah, as an organization, when and how it was founded, which nationalities it consists of, the countries and areas in which it operates, and its participation in the South Lebanon conflict, will be presented, ending prior the war in 2006.
Furthermore, the conditions that influenced the outcome of their conflict in the Israeli - Lebanon war will be considered and the system of command and control of the Israeli military will be examined more closely, as one of the key factors that influenced the outcome of the conflict. The conclusion of this paper will highlight several conditions that would change the course and outcome of their coping, with a concluding analysis of the research paper. Less
Arapska liga
Izraelska vojska
oslobodilačke organizacije
Izraelsko-Libanonski rat
Keywords (english)
Arab League
Israeli Army
Liberation Organizations
Israel-Lebanon War
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:249:454661
Study programme Title: Military Leadership and Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: MAGISTAR/MAGISTRA VOJNOG VOĐENJA I UPRAVLJANJA (MAGISTAR/MAGISTRA VOJNOG VOĐENJA I UPRAVLJANJA)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-12-05 14:38:04